index用于枚举list中的元素(Indexes enumerate the elements); slice用于枚举list中元素集合(Slices enumerate the spaces between the elements). slice assignment,是一个语法糖,主要用于list的快速插入、替换、删除元素。 二、语法 index index语法很简单,如下表所示,如有一个list a,a[i]表示a中第i个元素(a[0]...
x = input("请输入数字:")compare .append(x)compare.sort(reverse=True)print (compare)
1、提取单个元素 print(list[0])# 0print(list[-4])# 6#当索引只有一个数时,表示切取某一个元...
这里可以通过切片 (slices) 的形式来获取部分连续的元素。 c_list=['James','Ava','Michael','Emma','Emily','Jacob'] print(c_list) 1. 2. 运行结果: list 中以切片形式使用时,其结构可参考 new_list [ start : end : step ] 其中“start” 和“end” 表示索引位置的开始和结束,选取的元素...
# Ex: Alphabet Slices #Store the first ten letters of the alphabet in a list. alphabet=tenletters[:] #Use a slice to print out the first three letters of the alphabet. print(alphabet[:3]) #Use a slice to print out any three letters from the middle of your list. ...
Those arenot the onlyuses of slicing, but they are the most common. Use slicing to get "slices" of sequences in Python You can use slicing in Python to getportionsof a list or any other sequence. Slicing is particularly great for getting the first few items, the last few items, every...
Slices are suitable for lists, tuples, strings, range objects, etc., but they are the most powerful when working on a list. You can use slices to intercept any part of the list, get a new list, or modify and delete parts of the list, or even add elements to the list object.The ...
The program creates two slices. last = len(vals) With thelenfunction, we get the size of the list. Since the end index of a slice is not included, it can be used in the slice syntax. s1 = vals[0:5] We create a list slice with start=0 and end=5. The elements with indexes 0...
<__main__.MyList object at 0x0000019CD83A7A90> key is : hi Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: MyList indices must be integers or slices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ...
Python indexesandslicesfora six-elementlist. Indexesenumeratethe elements, slicesenumeratethe spaces between the elements. Indexfromrear: -6-5-4-3-2-1a=[0,1,2,3,4,5] a[1:]==[1,2,3,4,5] Indexfromfront:012345len(a)==6a[:5]==[0,1,2,3,4] ...