为了进一步展示skip函数的工作流程,我们可以使用序列图。以下是这个函数执行过程中的消息传递顺序。 IterableskipFunctionClientIterableskipFunctionClientalt[Condition is False][Condition is True]Get items from iterableCall skip(iterable, condition)Start iterationReturn itemCheck conditionReturn itemContinue iteration ...
i % 2 == 0i % 2 != 0continueprint(i)i > 10i <= 10StartCheckConditionEvenOddSkipNextIterationPrintValueEnd 在这个状态图中,我们看到程序从Start状态开始,进入到CheckCondition。如果当前的数字是偶数,程序将跳转到Skip状态,使用continue跳过打印。而如果是奇数,则会进入PrintValue状态,打印该值。 使用场景与...
The Pythoncontinuestatement is used in a loop (for or while) to skip the current iteration and move on to the next iteration. It is used to skip when a certain condition is satisfied and move on to the next iteration of the loop. The code following thecontinuestatement in the current it...
SkipElementsGenerator是一个迭代器,我们直接将要迭代的数组当成形参丢入以初始化迭代器。 注意:因为要用for迭代迭代器,因此迭代器也必须得是可迭代对象,这里只需要简单实现__iter__函数并且返回self即可! Another Way 比较直观了解可迭代对象与迭代器的例子: classMyArray:def__init__(self,arr):self.arr=arrdef...
For example, when you are running a loop and want to skip the part of that iteration that can throw an exception. Use the try-except Statement With continue to Skip Iterations in a Python Loop In Python, exceptions can be easily handled through a try-except statement. If you think that ...
alpha='abcdef'skipper=SkipObject(alpha) I=iter(skipper)print(next(I),next(I),next(I))#a c eforxinskipper:foryinskipper:print(x+y, end='')#aa ac ae ca cc ce ea ec ee 运行时,这个例子工作起来就像是对内置字符串进行嵌套循环一样,因为每个循环都会获得独立的迭代器对象来记录自己的状态信息...
As we see from the above code that when the number 2 is encountered, the iteration is skipped and we skip to the next iteration without disrupting the flow of the code. Special Case: Using exception handling. Exception handling is done with the try and the catch statements in Python. Excep...
for element in elements: print(element) # Prints each key 6. Iterating Over Values To traverse through the values in the dictionary: for symbol in elements.values(): print(symbol) # Prints each value 7. Iterating Over Items To journey through both keys and values together: for element, ...
File"iteration.py", line19,in__next__raiseStopIteration StopIteration 我们实例化了MyIterator,然后为了获取它的值,我们多次调用了next()。当序列到头时,next()会抛出异常StopIteration。Python 中的for循环使用了同样的机制,它调用迭代器的next(),通过获取异常StopIteration得知何时停止。