x += 1 # Shorthand for x = x + 1 捕获异常 Python当中使用try和except捕获异常,我们可以在except后面限制异常的类型。如果有多个类型可以写多个except,还可以使用else语句表示其他所有的类型。finally语句内的语法无论是否会触发异常都必定执行: # Handle exceptions with a try/except block try: # Use "rai...
PythonShorthandf If ❮ Python Glossary If Statement in One Line If you have only one statement to execute, you can put it on the same line as the if statement. ExampleGet your own Python Server One line if statement: ifa > b:print("a is greater than b") ...
(是的,这是正确的代码,仔细一看:该else条款属于for循环,不是的if。陈述) 当循环使用,该else条款有更多的共同点与 else一个条款try声明比它认为的 if语句:一个try语句的else时候也不例外条款发生运行和循环的else条款时没有运行break 发生。有关try语句和异常的更多信息,请参阅 处理异常。 该continue声明也是从C...
some_var = 5 # 通过if进行逻辑判断 if some_var > 10: print "some_var is totally bigger than 10." elif some_var < 10: # This elif clause is optional. print "some_var is smaller than 10." else: # This is optional too. print "some_var is indeed 10." """ 通过for...in......
判断 if expression1: if_suite elif expression2: elif_suite else: else_suitewhile循环 while expression: while_suitefor循环 for eachNum in [0,1,2]: print eachNumfor循环 for eachNum in range(3): print eachNum列表解析 squared = [x**2 for x in range(4)]...
def parent(num): def first_child(): return "Hi, I'm Elias" def second_child(): return "Call me Ester" if num == 1: return first_child else: return second_child Note that you’re returning first_child without the parentheses. Recall that this means that you’re returning a reference...
i++; // very common shorthand for i=i+1 if (n % 2 == 0) { n = n / 2; } else { n = 3 * n + 1; } } a[i] = n; i++; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 下面是List类型的一些操作: ...
x +=1 # Shorthand for x = x + 1 # In[9]: # 可以通过try except来处理异常(避免报错直接退出) try: # raise方法,可以手动报错 raise IndexError("This is an index error") except IndexError as e: # pass保留字代表这一行啥不也干
x += 1 # Shorthand for x = x + 1 # Python支持 try/except 语法 # Python2.6以上的版本,支持try...except...: try: # raise显示地引发异常。一旦执行了raise语句,raise后面的语句将不能执行。 raise IndexError('This is an index error') ...
raise ValueError # shorthand for 'raise ValueError()' 1. 如果你需要确定是否引发了异常但不打算处理它,则可以使用更简单的 raise 语句形式重新引发异常 >>> try: ... raise NameError('HiThere') ... except NameError: ... print('An exception flew by!') ... raise ... An exception flew by...