classCircle(Shape):def__init__(self,radius):self.radius=radius defarea(self):return3.14*self.radius*self.radius classSquare(Shape):def__init__(self,side_length):self.side_length=side_length defarea(self):returnself.side_length*self.side_length # 使用抽象类与接口 cir...
比如说三角形和正方形,它们都有一个方法,叫get_area。那么,此时,我们可以定义一个类,比如叫Shape,形状。然后,把get_area方法写在Shape,再让三角形和正方形都继承Shape类,这样,三角形和正方形类就会自动拥有get_area方法。 多态:上面我们提到,三角形和正方形可以从Shape类继承得到get_area方法。但事实上,在实际应...
class Shape(ABC): @abstractmethod def area(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError class Square(Shape): def __init__(self, side_length: float): self.side_length = side_length def area(self) -> float: return self.side_length ** 2 square = Square(4.0) print(square.area()) # 输出:...
MyClass.my_class_method() # 输出:This is a class method of MyClass MyClass.my_static_method() # 输出:This is a static method. 在这个例子中,我们定义了一个名为my_class_method()的类方法和一个名为my_static_method()的静态方法。我们使用MyClass.my_class_method()和MyClass.my_static_method...
games.shape 这给我们以下输出:(17007, 18) 好的,现在我们知道我们已经从文件中读取了所有的行和列。现在让我们快速查看我们新创建的 DataFrame 的前五行,看看它是什么样子的:games.head() 这给出了以下输出:图7.1:DataFrame 的前五行和九列这里有几件事情需要注意:列名已经被正确读取(URL、名称、ID 等);然而...
sum() / (pr_dis.area / 1000000)))} per Square Kilometer') except RuntimeError: print('Your GIS Connection Does Not Support Geoenrichment') IDOBJECTID_0sourceCountryOBJECTIDAREAKMCITY_NAMEShape_AreaAREAMILESShape_LengthSTATE_CITY...aggregationMethodpopulationToPolygonSizeRatingapportionmentConfidence...
This method can be a great way to learn new concepts and see how they're applied in real-time. Apply what you've learned to your own ideas and projects. Try to recreate existing projects or tools that you find useful. This can be a great learning experience as it forces you to ...
Any exception that happens inside the with block is passed to the exit() method. The exit() method can suppress the exception by returning a true value. class MyOpen: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def __enter__(self): self.file = open(self.filename) retu...
To override a method in super class, we can define a method with the same name in the super class. Solution: class Shape(object): def __init__(self): pass def area(self): return 0 class Square(Shape): def __init__(self, l): Shape.__init__(self) self...