Return a set that contains the items that exist in both setx, and sety: x ={"apple","banana","cherry"} y = {"google","microsoft","apple"} z = x.intersection(y) print(z) Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage Theintersection()method returns a set that contains the similarity be...
set_a)print("集合 B:",set_b)# 计算交集intersection_method=set_a.intersection(set_b)intersection_operator=set_a&set_b# 输出交集结果print("使用 intersection() 得到的交集:",intersection_method)print("使用 & 运算符得到的交集:",intersection_operator)print("交集的结果:",intersection_method)...
我们可以随意选, 但随意选的后果是不能让set最优,所以可以从侧面反映出如果有【规则】的选择,可能达...
6、set.discard():如果它是一个成员,从集合中移除一个元素。如果元素不是成员,则什么都不做。 7、set.intersection():将两个集合的交集作为一个新集合返回。 8、set.intersection_update():用自己和另一个的交集更新一个集合。 9、set.isdisjoint():如果两个集合交集为空,返回True。 10、set.issubset():报...
intersection_update() 方法:用于就地更新集合为交集。 &= 运算符:用于原地更新集合为交集。 set1 = {1,2,3} set2 = {3,4,5}# 使用 & 运算符计算交集intersection_set_operator = set1 & set2print(intersection_set_operator)# 输出: {3}# 使用 intersection() 方法计算交集intersection_set_method =...
The syntax of the intersection function is given below: set A.intersection(set B, set C, set D, …) Here, the intersection method takes a parameter as the set variable for which the common element is found. It returns as the new set containing the common elements of all the sets(set...
y = set() x.intersection_update(y) print(x) Program Output set() Conclusion In thisPython Tutorial, we learned about Python set method intersection_update(). We have gone through the syntax of intersection_update() method, and its usage with example programs....
|intersection(...)| Return the intersection of twoormore sets as a new set.| |(i.e. elements that are common to all of the sets.)| |intersection_update(...)| Update a set with the intersection of itselfandanother.| |isdisjoint(...)| Return Trueiftwo sets have a null intersection...
先来看一下Set对象支持的数学运算:· union()· update()· intersection()· intersection_update()· difference()· difference_update()· symmetric_difference()· symmetric_difference_update()· isdisjoint()· issubset()· issuperset()Set运算操作可以通过两种方式完成:...
intersection(*others) set & other & ... 示例1:找到两个集合的交集—A和B 返回一个新集合,其中包含集合A和集合B中的共同元素。 A={1,2,3,4,5} B={2,4,6,8} #intersection is performed by intersection() method or & operator print (A.intersection(B))#Output:{2,4} print (A&B)#Output...