part.set_payload( encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', f"attachment; filename= {file_path}") message.attach(part) server.sendmail(sender_email, recipient_email, message.as_string()) server.quit()``` 说明: 此Python 脚本允许您发送带有文件附件...
Joblib - A set of tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python. Plan - Writing crontab file in Python like a charm. Prefect - A modern workflow orchestration framework that makes it easy to build, schedule and monitor robust data pipelines. schedule - Python job scheduling for humans. Sp...
set() delattr() help() next() setattr() dict() hex() object() slice() dir() id() oct() sorted() exec内置表达式 Python面向对象 1.面向对象技术简介 · 类(Class): 用来描述具有相同的属性和方法的对象的集合。它定义了该集合中每个对象所共有的属性和方法。对象是类的实例(对象是类实例化之后...
import circlifyimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt# 创建画布, 包含一个子图fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 14))# 标题ax.set_title('Repartition of the world population')# 移除坐标轴ax.axis('off')# 人口数据data = [{'id': 'World', 'datum': 6964195249, 'children': [{'id': "North ...
要设置Linux系统的时间,我们需要使用subprocess模块执行命令。Linux系统提供了一个名为date的命令行工具,我们可以使用该工具来设置系统的时间。以下是一个设置系统时间的示例代码: importsubprocessdefset_system_time(new_time):command="sudo date -s '{}'".format(new_time),shell=True)new...
Added validated_{platform}_requirements.txt file for pinning all pip dependencies for AutoML. This release supports models greater than 4 Gb. Upgraded AutoML dependencies: scikit-learn (now 0.22.1), pandas (now 0.25.1), numpy (now 1.18.2). azureml-automl-runtime Set horovod for ...
make a python file deftalk(message):return"Talk "+messagedefmain():print(talk("Hello World"))if__name__=="__main__":main() Test your program Do as you normally would. Running Nuitka on code that works incorrectly is not easier to debug. ...
上传时会从您指定的第1000个字节位置开始上传,直到文件结束。, os.SEEK_SET)# Tell方法用于返回当前位置。current = fileobj.tell()# 填写Object完整路径。Object完整路径中不能包含Bucket名称。bucket.put_object('exampleobject.txt', fileobj)...
setodps.sql.python.version=cp37;-- python3 UDF需要使用该命令开启python3selectUDF_GET_URL_CHAR("",1); 返回结果如下。 +---+|_c0|+---+|a|+---+ UDF开发:安装第三方库Numpy MaxCompute内置的Python 3运行环境中未安装第三方库Numpy。如果您需要使用Numpy的UDF,请手...
dateutil 2.8.2 python-json-logger 2.0.4 python-jsonrpc-server 0.3.4 python-language-server 0.33.0 python-lsp-jsonrpc 1.0.0 python-lsp-server 1.5.0 pytz 2019.3 pytz-deprecation-shim 0.1.0.post0 PyYAML 5.1.2 pyzmq 23.2.1 rarfile 3.1 recordio 0.1.7 requests 2.22.0 requests-oauthlib 1.3...