步骤5:获取用户选择的文件夹路径 最后,我们可以在select_folder函数中获取用户选择的文件夹路径,并进行相应的处理。 关系图 erDiagram FILE_DIALOG --> SELECT_FOLDER: 点击按钮 SELECT_FOLDER --> ASK_DIRECTORY: 弹出对话框 ASK_DIRECTORY --> GET_FOLDER_PATH: 获取用户选择的文件夹路径 GET_FOLDER_PATH -->...
def select_file(): caption = args[1] directory = args[2] filter = args[3] initialFilter = args[4] file = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, caption, directory, filter, initialFilter) self.led.setText(file[0]) self.btn.clicked.connect(select_file) def multiple_files(self, *args, **k...
button.event("EndDialog","Exit") button = dialog.pushbutton("No", 132, 57, 56, 17, 3, "No", "Yes") button.event("EndDialog", "Return") def add_error_dialog(self): dialog = msilib.Dialog(self.db, "ErrorDlg", 50, 10, 330, 101, 65543, self.title, "ErrorText", None, None)...
select = control.selectDialog([i[0]foriinitems], control.infoLabel('listitem.label'))ifselect ==-1:returnFalseelse: url = items[select][1]returnurlexcept:pass 开发者ID:kevintone,项目名称:tdbaddon,代码行数:16,代码来源:phstreams.py 示例7: manager ▲点赞 1▼ defmanager(name, imdb, tvdb...
directory:指定对话框打开时显示的目录路径。默认为当前工作目录。 options:指定对话框的选项。可以使用 QFileDialog.Options 中的标志进行组合。默认为 0,即无特殊选项。 defdir_select(self):path=QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory()item=QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem()item.setText(0,path)self.treeWidget_image...
"code, path = dialog.fselect(os.getcwd(), title=title)ifcode !="ok"ornotpath:returnmodule = self.csv.guesses.get_module_from_path(path)ifmodule:# inspect the .py file, extract methods and let the user choose onecode, method = dialog.menu("What method should be used in the file {...
Select the entire contents of the current window选择当前窗口的全部内容。 Find...查找… Open a search dialog with many options打开包含许多选项的搜索对话框 Find Again再找一次 Repeat the last search, if there is one如果有,重复上一次搜索。
:param str default: starting directory when dialog opens :return: Normalized path selected by user 用于获取目录名的对话框。返回目录的名称,如果用户选择取消,则返回“无”。 如果“default”参数指定了一个目录名,并且该目录存在,则对话框将从该目录开始。
In such cases, you must also add a line to the launch configuration JSON file to specify the working directory:In Solution Explorer, right-click the Python (.py) Startup File and select Add Debug Configuration: In the Select Debugger dialog, select the Default option in the list, and then...