for substring in my_list: if substring in my_str: is_contained = True break print(is_contained) # 👉️ True if is_contained: # 👇️ this runs print('The string contains at least one element from the list') else: print('The string does NOT contain any of the elements in the...
import redef find_substring_regex(s, sub):""" 使用正则表达式查找子字符串 """ pattern = re.compile(sub)if Trueelse:return False# 定义一个字符串string = 'A New String Hello, World!'sub_string = "Hello, World!"print('例1,源字符串为:', string, ' ...
import re 使用查找单个模式函数用于在字符串中查找第一个匹配正则表达式的位置,并返回一个匹配对象。如果没有找到匹配项,则返回None。 text = "The price is $123.45" pattern = r"\d+\.\d+" # 匹配浮点数的正则表达式 match =, text) if match: print(f"...
string ='Hello World, this is a string' # The substring we are looking for substring ='this' print(string.find(substring) # print:13, 13是字字符串的起始位置 使用正则表达式 正则表达式是Python中非常强大的一个模块,我们用正则表达式同样可以查找子字符串(有点杀鸡用牛刀的感觉)以下是...
# The string string = 'Hello World, this is a string' # The substring we are looking for substring = 'this' print(string.find(substring) # print:13, 13是字字符串的起始位置 使用正则表达式 正则表达式是Python中非常强大的一个模块,我们用正则表达式同样可以查找子字符串(有点杀鸡用...
In this quiz, you'll check your understanding of the best way to check whether a Python string contains a substring. You'll also revisit idiomatic ways to inspect the substring further, match substrings with conditions using regular expressions, and search for substrings in pandas. ...
string = "Python Programming" substring = string[7:14] # 从索引7开始至索引14前结束 print(substring) # 输出:"Programming" # 切片步长为-1,反转字符串 reversed_substring = string[::-1] print(reversed_substring) # 输出:"gnimmargorP nohtyP" 2.2 高级字符串操作 2.2.1 Unicode与编码问题 在处理...
operator orfind() functionto check if substring is present in the string or not. Note that find() function returns the index position of the substring if it’s found, otherwise it returns -1. Count of Substring Occurrence We can usecount() functionto find the number of occurrences of a ...
Like S.find() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found. >>>str1="abcdefg">>>str1.index("a")0>>>str1.index("f")5 find S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int #在字符串里查找指定的子串,未找到时返回-1,找到则返回子串在字符串中的索引值 ...
# 使用正则表达式查找每个元素forelement_name, patterninelements_to_find.items(): match =, user_info)ifmatch: found_elements[element_name] = # 获取匹配组中的第一个元素(括号内的部分) # 输出结果iffound_elements:print("Found elements:")forelement_name, element...