课程名称: [Blender 2.8 Tutorial, learn python scripting (for beginners)] 油管地址: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFtLHTf5bnym_wk4DcYIMq1DkjqB7kDb- 课程目录及对应脚本 你可以查看我的脚本,遇到的问题都有清楚的注释,可以和原视频一起学习使用。 classTestPanel(bpy.types.Panel):# 面板标签...
An Introduction to Matplotlib for Beginners Lesson - 26 The Best Guide to Time Series Analysis In Python Lesson - 27 An Introduction to Scikit-Learn: Machine Learning in Python Lesson - 28 A Beginner's Guide to Web Scraping With Python ...
Portable, powerful, and a breeze to use, Python is the popular open source object-oriented programming language used for both standalone programs and scripting applications. Completely updated for Python 3, the recipes in this book include: Data structures and algorithms Strings and text Dates and ...
Python Scripting and Automation. 3. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp In thisPython for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcampcourse, you will be presented with a unique combination of projects that will guide you on what machine learning is all about and how you can use...
This is a good course for both beginners as well as experts who want all the basic concepts in Python explained clearly. Even people from non-programming backgrounds can learn this course. Shibil Rahman P The detailed explanation of each topic really helped me. The section on frequently-asked...
Advanced-Python-for-Biologists.pdf An Introduction to Python and LaTeX.pdf An-Introduction-to-Programming-using-Python.pdf An-Introduction-to-Python-and-Computer-Programming.pdf An-Introduction-to-Statistics-with-Python-With-Applications-in-the-Life-Sciences.pdf Applied-Text-Analysis-with-Python-Enabling...
英文版:Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Practical Programming for Total Beginners - 2015.pdf github.com/IFinners/aut 亚马逊4.5星 77评笨办法学_Python(第三版) - 2018.pdf 初级 本书是一本Python入门书,适合对计算机了解不多,没有学过编程,但对编程感兴趣的读者学习使用。这本书以习题的方式引导读...
Bash Guide for Beginners BASH Programming Bash Reference Manual Vim [不用Linux也可以的强大文本处理方法-vim操作](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI5MTcwNjA4NQ==&mid=2247484250&idx=1&am p;sn=d4759dc05a55643549646c77318c4f96&chksm=ec0dc6d0db7a4fc64791896914547b5ce818e8bd3cca98f0fb7bf...
Amazon #1 bestselling author, James Tudor, provides a concise, step-by-step guide to Python programming for beginners. A lot of examples, illustrations, end of chapter summary and practice exercises (with solutions) are provided to help the reader learn faster, remember longer and develop a tho...
| ├──Good-Habits-for-Great-Coding-Improving-Programming-Skills-with-Examples-in-Python.pdf 3.83M | ├──Hacking-Hacking-Practical-Guide-for-Beginners-Hacking-With-Python-.pdf 885.05kb | ├──Hacking-Secret-Ciphers-with-Python-A-beginner-s-guide-to-cryptography-and-computer-programming-with-...