hight,width = 'return document.body.clientHeight','return document.body.clientWidth' h,w = driver.execute_script(hight),driver.execute_script(width) print(w,h) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 接下来,我们指定了要截取的区域的坐标,并使用Selenium的save_screenshot方法保存整个页面的截图。 # 指定...
'firefox_profile’, 'forward’, 'get’, 'get_cookie’, 'get_cookies’, 'get_log’, 'get_screenshot_as_base64’, 'get_screenshot_as_file’, 'get_screenshot_as_png’, 'get_window_position’, 'get_window_size’, 'implicitly_wait’, 'log_types’, 'maximize_window’, ...
Script will prompt for users input to confirm the services restart as all the services needs to be restarted to implement the workaround, Enter 'y' or 'Y' if you want to proceed with the script Script will proceed further and the status will be displayed on the screen, sample screenshots ...
starting from the basics. It covers topics such as using the urllib.request library for basic scraping, scraping images, using the requests library for more advanced scraping, handling user agents, and parsing HTML using the BeautifulSoup library. An example of scraping a website and an explanatio...
Step 1: Understanding the Website's Structure Before we start scraping, let's get to know the website's structure. First, we need to inspect the HTML source code of the web page to identify the elements we want to scrape. Once we find these elements, we need to identify the HTML tag...
SL No.🚀 Script Name👨🏻💻 Script Function🔗 Link👩🏻💻 Contributed By 1. Calculator [GUI] A GUI based calculator. Take Me Avinash Kr. Ranjan 2. Chrome Automation An Automation Script used to open websites in chrome Take Me Avinash Kr. Ranjan 3. Covid-19 Updater An...
Test Scenario: The lambdatest.py sample script tests a simple to-do application with basic functionalities like mark items as done, add items in a list, calculate total pending items etc. Configuration Of Your Test Capabilities Step 4: In the python script, you need to update your test capabi...
browser.get_screenshot_as_file('python_result.png') 上面设置的等待条件presence_of_element_located表示等待指定元素出现,下面的表格列出了常用的等待条件及其含义。 执行JavaScript代码 对于使用瀑布式加载的页面,如果希望在浏览器窗口中加载更多的内容,可以通过浏览器对象的execute_scripts方法执行 JavaScript 代码来实...
driver.get_screenshot_as_file('截图.png')# 截图预览 driver.name# 浏览器名称 driver.page_source# 网页源码 driver.switch_to.window()# 切换窗口/标签页 元素常用方法 find_element(by=By.ID, value)# 根据元素的 ID 来查找元素。 find_element(by=By.NAME, value)# 根据元素的 name 属性来查找元素...
Logging into a website Taking screenshots Waiting for an element to be present Expected conditions in Selenium Executing JavaScript Practical uses of execute_script Capturing return values Asynchronous JavaScript execution Handling infinite scroll Using a proxy with Selenium Wire Solution: Selenium Wire Impl...