默认情况下,input()函数会等待用户输入完内容并按下Enter键后才会继续执行后面的代码。我们可以利用这个特性来监听用户按下Enter键。 下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示了如何监听用户按下Enter键: defon_enter_pressed():print("Enter key pressed")input("Press Enter to continue...")on_enter_pressed() 1. 2....
参考:batch file - How can I surpass "Press any key to continue ..." in python? - Stack Overflow
# 示例脚本print("Hello, World!")input("Press Enter to continue...") 1. 2. 3. 这个脚本只是简单地打印出 “Hello, World!”,然后等待用户按下 Enter 键。 4. 使用 PyInstaller 打包脚本 PyInstaller 是一个用于打包 Python 脚本的工具,它可以将你的脚本打包成一个独立的可执行文件。你可以使用以下命令...
我建议您放置所有批处理和py文件放在一个已经存在于PATH环境变量中的文件夹中,比如C:\Users\<USERNAME>。 通过设置批处理文件来运行 Python 脚本,您无需打开终端窗口并输入 Python 脚本的完整文件路径和名称。相反,只需按下WIN+R,输入pythonScript(不需要完整的pythonScript.bat名称),然后按下ENTER来运行您的脚本。
sp.stdin.write(b"\r\n")#send the CR/LF for pausesp.stdin.close()#close so that it will proceedprint("---END---") 赶快试一下 参考:batch file - How can I surpass "Press any key to continue ..." in python? - Stack Overflow...
pyautogui.moveTo()函数会立即将鼠标光标移动到屏幕上的指定位置。x 坐标和 y 坐标的整数值分别构成函数的第一个和第二个参数。可选的duration整数或浮点关键字参数指定将鼠标移动到目的地所需的秒数。如果你不考虑它,默认是0用于瞬时移动。(PyAutoGUI 函数中所有的duration关键字参数都是可选的。)在交互式 ...
After creating your file and opening your terminal, type python3 followed by the path to your script. For example, on my Mac, I would: Create an empty text file called FILE.py. Add my script. Open the Terminal app. Type python3. Drag the file into the app, and press enter, which ...
from time import perf_counter, sleep from random import random print("Press enter to play") input() print("Ok, get ready!") sleep(random() * 5 + 1) print("go!") start = perf_counter() input() end = perf_counter() print(f"You reacted in {(end - start) * 1000:.0f} milli...
I think this problem maybe because of something to do with Terminal or Visual Studio Code. I'm not sure. (Just started learning python). I am also doing this on Mac OSX But when i try to use 'input()' as like a 'Press any key to continue i get an error saying ...
To reproduce: Open terminal Type python3 -m tkinter Move the mouse cursor to where the tkinter window will be (Takes some practice and trial & error) Press enter to launch tkinter Try to click on button. Button would not respond. Try to leave the window area, or click on the title bar...