Stock Trading AI with FinRL in Python: Part 2 Training Xsyhnb 249 0 What Data Actually Predicts Stock Price? Using Feature Importance in Python Xsyhnb 121 0 Introduction to ElegantRL - Bipedal Walker Reinforcement Learning Xsyhnb 139 0 Step-by-Step Install Guide for FinRL Setup in the Cl...
show_nontrading=False) # 调用函数,获取股票数据并绘制 K 线图 get_stock_data_eastmoney('600519', '20200101', '20201231') # 示例股票代码和日期范围 代码说明 首先,导入所需的库: akshare: 用于获取东方财富网的股票数据 mplfinance: 用于绘制 K 线图 pandas: 用于数据处理 matplotlib: 用于图形显示 然后,...
首先,导入所需的库: akshare: 用于获取东方财富网的股票数据 mplfinance: 用于绘制 K 线图 pandas: 用于数据处理 matplotlib: 用于图形显示 然后,定义函数 get_stock_data_eastmoney,用于获取指定股票代码和日期范围的股票日线数据。 在函数中,首先使用 akshare.stock_zh_a_hist 函数获取数据。 接着,检查获取的数据...
mpf.plot(df,type='candle',style=s,title=f"{symbol}K线图",ylabel='价格',ylabel_lower='成交量',volume=True,mav=(5,20,60),show_nontrading=False)# 调用函数,获取股票数据并绘制K线图get_stock_data_eastmoney('600519','20200101','20201231')# 示例股票代码和日期范围 代码说明 首先,导入所需的库...
for tick in ticks: self.bar_generator_for_backtesting(tick) if self._init: self.strategy() else: if len(self._Open) >= 100: self._init = True self.strategy() # ma = AstockTrading('600036') # 类实例化 # ma.get_history_data_from_local_machine() ...
Bollinger Bands are very useful to use in trading and very simple to calculate. Different strategies using such a dynamic tool can lead to different results, so a good backtest of a trading strategy should always be done to fine-tune the parameters of the indicators. ...
as well as details relevant for stock trading (like the opening stock price, day’s high, day’s low, etc.). Not only that, but it also provides the option information (like calls and puts along with their strike prices, volume, etc.) for the specified stock. The options ...
A simple Python API for Investopedia's stock simulator games. This programmatically logs into Investopedia and can retrieve portfolio summary, get stock quotes & option chain lookups, execute trades - buy & sell shares, puts, calls, sell short, etc. - d
This is a Python 3.0 project for analyzing stock prices and methods of stock trading. It uses native Python tools and Google TensorFlow machine learning. - GitHub - TimRivoli/Stock-Price-Trade-Analyzer: This is a Python 3.0 project for analyzing stock