方法如下: 在/home/pi/.config 下创建一个文件夹,名称为 autostart,并在该文件夹下创建一个xxx.desktop文件(文件名以.desktop结尾,前面可以自定义),文件内容如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Desktop Entry] Name=example Comment=My Python Program Exec=python /home/pi/example.py Icon=/home/pi/exam...
使用cv2的python脚本在激活虚拟环境((venv) pi@raspberrypi:~/test $python3openCV_motion_detection_cam1.py )后从命令行运行良好但是当从普通命令行(pi@raspberrypi:~/test $python3openCV_motion_detection_cam1.py )运行时,它会输出错误--“没有名为‘cv2’的模块”,它已经在pi@raspberrypi:~ 浏览4...
Enable autostart on boot of your new service: sudo systemctl enable <YOUR-NAME>.service Variations Time of start The previous example assumes you want your script to start after the network interfaces were initialized and the OS is ready to use. You can change this behaviour by changing the ...
进入RASPBERRYPI环境界面: 3.2 自动运行程序 RASPBERRYPI自动运行autostart设定的程序: 比如,将RASPBERRYPI自动执行程序设定为: 默认开始人脸识别 鼠标点一下当前窗口,然后多按几下键盘ESC键,退出人脸识别程序。 设置自动运行程序所在目录: 文件内容,后续用户可以自行设定自动执行路径和文件: ※ 注意: Exec=/usr/bin/py...
I am trying to run a python script on Boot Up and want to keep it running in the background always untill I shutdown the Raspberry Pi and I want it to automatically start and keep running in the background in the next Boot up, you get the idea. It is an MQTT script. So far, ...
将.desktop文件移动到autostart目录:将.desktop文件移动到~/.config/autostart/目录中,可以使用以下命令完成: 代码语言:txt 复制 mv my_script.desktop ~/.config/autostart/ 重启系统:重新启动Ubuntu,你的Python脚本将会在系统启动时自动运行。 这样,你的图形Python脚本将会在Ubuntu启动时自动运行。请注意,以上步骤假设...
A simple Python based implementation of a Raspberry Pi based, OpenAI ChatGPT enabled voice assistant - bbence84/pi_gptbot
Add these lines to /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart: @xset s noblank @xset s off @xset -dpms Known Issues There are some known issues, although this application is being used reliably week-in, week-out on a Raspberry Pi so it should be good for common usage scenarios. Please see...
pypinyin:汉字拼音转换工具 Python 版 shortuuid:一个生成器库,用以生成简洁的,明白的,URL 安全的 ...
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ something doesn’t seem to be working! best martin Hi Devon Because my SD card crashed, I set up a new system. Your program (multi.py) works perfectly in Python. But if I start the autostart program (pear.py) in Python, the error message appears: ...