If you want to remove the sub folder part, just pass in arcname as well. e.g.:import zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile('path-to-zip/test.zip', 'w') as zf: zf.write('sub-folder/test.csv', arcname='test.csv') Share Improve this answer Follow edited Feb 1, 2021 at 20:11 ...
1importos2fromopenpyxlimportWorkbook34#指定文件夹路径5folder_path ="C:\\Users\\hank-02\\Desktop\\测试"67#获取指定文件夹下的所有文件名8file_names =os.listdir(folder_path)910#创建一个新的 Excel 工作簿11workbook =Workbook()12sheet =workbook.active1314#将文件名写入 Excel 表格中的第一列15forin...
Run VS Code, open the folder or workspace containing the script, and create alaunch.jsonfor that workspace if one doesn't exist already. In the script code, add the following and save the file: importdebugpy# 5678 is the default attach port in the VS Code debug configurations. Unless a...
🙋 Differences between LLM (Large Language Model) and TSFM (Time-Series Foundation Model) in the above table: LLM refers to the models that are pre-trained on large-scale text data and can be fine-tuned for specific tasks. TSFM refers to the models that are pre-trained on large-scale...
config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']) file.save(filepath) #本地电脑使用将"https://yourdomain.com/"替换为""即可 download_link = "https://yourdomain.com/"+ filename return render_template('upload_success.html', download_link=download_link) @app.route('/<filename>') def download_...
Nodes are created from Python scripts organized within folders that we callnode packs. You can create a node pack folderanywhere you want in your disk. Under the hood, Nodezator treats it as a package in some contexts, so you can name that folder whatever you like, as long as it is a...
Search Paths Specify the file and folder search paths Visual Studio uses for your project. These values match the items shown in the project's Search Paths node in Solution Explorer. While you can specify search paths in this dialog, it can be easier to use Solution Explorer, where you can...
If you activate the virtual environment, any packages you install are installed only in that environment's subfolder. When you run a Python program within the virtual environment, you can be confident that the program is running against only those specific packages....
# simple.for.4.pysurnames = ['Rivest','Shamir','Adleman']forposition, surnameinenumerate(surnames):print(position, surname) 这段代码也很有趣。请注意,enumerate在每次迭代时返回一个二元组(position, surname),但仍然比range(len(...))示例更可读(更有效)。您可以使用start参数调用enumerate,例如enumerate...
Right-click the Local Settings folder and select Add > New File. Name the file PythonSettings.json, and select Enter to save your changes. Visual Studio automatically opens the new file in the editor. In the PythonSettings.json file, add the following code to define the TestFramework. Set ...