importtimeimportdatetimeimportgetoptimportsystry: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"ho:", ["inputOCR=","inputSpeech="])exceptgetopt.GetoptError:print('Getopt Error!') sys.exit(1)forname, valueinopts:ifnamein("-o"): outPath = valueprint(outPath)elifnamein("--inputOCR"): inpu...
Python Sample Code:1. IntroductionPython sample code encapsulates APIs of the HUAWEI Push Kit server. It provides many ……
import randomimport string# 定义验证码长度length = 6# 创建验证码字符集characters = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits# 生成验证码code = ''.join(random.sample(characters, length))# 打印结果print(code)在这个示例中,我们使用了string模块中的ascii_uppercase和digits常量,将它们拼接起来,形成一个...
# Agent.csby Jessica.kjm,2006-11-06 # #About the sample: #i havent seen sammy for three days.where is he? is he lost? #i try to find him.then i wrote this small game. # #KEY WORDS:IRONPYTHON1.0 PYTHON2.5 clr time AddReferenceToFile msagent #Description: #1) using the clr.AddRef...
A sample code using LQR based path planning for double integrator model. Optimal Trajectory in a Frenet Frame This is optimal trajectory generation in a Frenet Frame. The cyan line is the target course and black crosses are obstacles.
Code Sample 07/23/2024 11 contributors Browse code These are code samples that show common scenario operations with the Azure Event Hubs client library. Both sync version and async version of samples are (async version) - Examples to create EventHubProducerClient and ...
Open the sample folder in Visual Studio Code or your IDE of choice.Running the samplesOpen a terminal window and cd to the directory that the samples are saved in. Set the environment variables specified in the sample file you wish to run. Follow the usage described in the file, e.g. ...
The Python sample code is running a Linux container in App Service using a built-in image. Congratulations!You've deployed your Python app to App Service. Having issues? Refer first to theTroubleshooting guide. If that doesn't help,let us know. ...
Code Sample 09/13/2019 4 contributors This sample demonstrates how to manage key vaults in Azure using the Python SDK. On this page Run this sample What does do? Create a key vault Delete a key vault Run this sample If you don't already have it,install Python. ...
Code Sample 03/07/2024 26 contributors Browse code These samples will show you how to get up and running using the Python SDKs for various Cognitive Services services. They'll cover a few rudimentary use cases and hopefully express best practices for interacting with the data from these APIs....