以下示例展示了如何使用subprocess.run执行一个简单的Shell命令,并捕获其输出。 result = subprocess.run(['ls','-l'],capture_output=True,text=True)print(result.stdout) 在这个示例中,['ls', '-l']是要执行的命令,capture_output=True表示捕获标准输出和标准错误,text=True表示将输出作为字符串处理。
Python的subprocess模块提供了更灵活的方法来执行shell命令,并获取其返回结果。该模块提供了run()方法,可以执行shell命令,并返回一个CompletedProcess对象,该对象包含了命令执行的返回状态、输出结果等信息。下面是一个示例: importsubprocess result=subprocess.run(["ls","-l"],capture_output=True,text=True)print(res...
Shell execute - run shell command and capture output (!! is short-hand). %system: Shell execute - run shell command and capture output (!! is short-hand). %tb: Print the last traceback. %time: Time execution of a Python statement or expression. %timeit: Time execution of a Python st...
ssh_client.connect(hostname, port, username, password) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) 以下代码清单显示了如何对目标主机进行 SSH 登录,然后运行简单的ls命令: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import getpass import paramiko HOSTNAME = 'localhost' PORT = 22 def run_ssh_cmd(userna...
在本节中,我们将学习如何捕获输出。我们将为stdout参数传递PIPE以捕获输出。编写一个名为capture_output.py的脚本,并在其中编写以下代码: importsubprocess res = subprocess.run(['ls','-1'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,)print('returncode:', res.returncode)print(' {} bytes in stdout:\n{}'.format(len(...
run command by using subprocess, raise exception when error has happened return standard output and standard error """cp=sp.run(cmd,shell=True,capture_output=True,encoding="utf-8")ifcp.returncode!=0:error=f"""Something wrong has happened when running command [{cmd}]:{cp.stderr}"""raise...
shell: commandPrompt > conda run -n d2l --no-capture-output python ~\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2023.6.0\pythonFiles\get_output_via_markers.py ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.6.0/pythonFiles/printEnvVariables.py shell: commandPrompt ...
But possibly the most “meta” of the Python functions is the dir function, which is named after the shell command of the same name. It returns a list of the names available “inside” the passed object, or the top-level scope if no object is passed. Thus, if you fire up the P...
Nuitka has a--helpoption to output what it can do: nuitka --help Thenuitka-runcommand is the same asnuitka, but with a different default. It tries to compileanddirectly execute a Python script: nuitka-run --help This option that is different is--run, and passing on arguments after the...