self.assertEqual(s.roundToNearest(GiB, rounding=size.ROUND_UP), Size("11 GiB"))# >>> Size("10.3 GiB").convertTo(MiB)# Decimal('10547.19999980926513671875')self.assertEqual(s.roundToNearest(MiB), Size("10547 MiB")) self.assertEqual(s.roundToNearest(MiB, rounding=size.ROUND_UP), Size(...
If ndigits is -2, it rounds to the nearest 100. If ndigits is -3, it rounds to the nearest 1000, etc. print(round(3456, -1)) # 👉️ 3460 print(round(3456, -2)) # 👉️ 3500 print(round(3456, -3)) # 👉️ 3000 # Round a number Up to the nearest 100...
Round to nearest, ties away from zero – rounds to the nearest value; if the number falls midw...
use round() 11th Jan 2021, 2:39 PM Steven Wen + 8 keorapetse Moagi , it depends what exactly is mentioned in the task description. When it says: <... rounded up to the nearest whole number>, you should use math.ceil(). this is working like this: from math import ceil a = 5....
ROUND_CEILING (towards Infinity), ROUND_DOWN (towards zero), ROUND_FLOOR (towards-Infinity), ROUND_HALF_DOWN (to nearest with ties going towards zero), ROUND_HALF_EVEN (to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer), ROUND_HALF_UP (to nearest with ties going awayfromzero),orROUND_UP...
to get it done, we can use an f-string like this: val = 42.1 print(f'{val:.2f}') # for more details have a look at the python docs result is: 42.10 13th Aug 2024, 12:42 PM Lothar + 4 I would not suggest using the round() method to get the nearest integer, it is ...
: 可选参数,表示舍入策略。...这可能是以下值之一: up: 相当于 JavaScript Math.ceil() 方法,将 valueToRound 向上舍入到 roundingInterval 最接近的整数倍。...down: 将 valueToRound 向下舍入为 roundingInterval 最接近的整数倍。这相当于 JavaScript Math.floor() 方法。...nearest: 将 valueToRound...
freemarker中的round、floor和ceiling数字的舍入处理 1、简易说明(1)round:四舍五入(2)floor:向下取整(3)ceiling:向上取整 2、举例说明...中的round、floor和ceiling数字的舍入处理--> <#--
python库的使用 1:print(补充) 2:math 2.1:math库包括的4个数学常数 2.2math库中的函数 幂对数函数 三角曲线函数 3:字符串处理函数 补充:sorted(str) 对字符串中的元素进行排序,返回排序后的列表,而不是字符串 reversed(str) 对字符串中
Rounding numbers enables you to remove the decimal portion of a float. You can choose to always round up to the nearest whole number by using ceil, or down by using floor.Python Copy from math import ceil, floor round_up = ceil(12.5) print(round_up) round_down = floor(12.5) print(...