Python的round(4.5)为什么不是进一位 在Python中,round()函数使用“round half to even”方法(也称为“Bankers' rounding”或“五舍六入四舍五入”),这意味着在处理.5时,它会将数字四舍五入到最近的偶数。这种四舍五入方法有助于减少累积的舍入误差。 1.在这个例子中,round(4.5)返回的结果是4,而不是5。
To round all of the values in the data array, you can pass data as the argument to the np.round() function. You set the desired number of decimal places with the decimals keyword argument. The NumPy function uses the round half to even strategy, just like Python’s built-in round()...
round off四舍五入 6.有关数论 natural number自然数 positive number正数 negative number负数 odd integer,odd number奇数 even integer,even number偶数 integer,whole number整数 positive whole number正整数 negative whole number负整数 consecutive number连续整数 rea lnumber,rational number实数,有理数 irrational...
return type(number)(Decimal(number).quantize(exp, ROUND_HALF_UP)) print(round(4.115, 2), type(round(4.115, 2))) print(round(4.116, 2), type(round(4.116, 2))) print(round(4.125, 2), type(round(4.125, 2))) print(round(4.126, 2), type(round(4.126, 2))) print(round(2.5), ty...
round(number,num_digits) Number 需要进行四舍五入的数字。 Num_digits 指定的位数,按此位数进行四舍五入。 注解 如果num_digits 大于 0,则四舍五入到指定的小数位。 如果num_digits 等于 0,则四舍五入到最接近的整数。 如果num_digits 小于 0,则在小数点左侧进行四舍五入。
"values are rounded to the closest multiple of 10 to the power minus ndigits; if two multiples are equally close, rounding is done toward the even choice." 如果距离两边一样远,会保留到偶数的一边。比如round(0.5)和round(-0.5)都会保留到0,而round(1.5)会保留到2。
The built in round fuction in python does not work the same as most other programming languages. It rounds to the closest even number, for more info see here. What you need for normal rounding is this. from math import floor myRound = ...
def get_middle(some_list): mid_index = round(len(some_list) / 2) return some_list[mid_index - 1]Python 3.x:>>> get_middle([1]) # looks good 1 >>> get_middle([1,2,3]) # looks good 2 >>> get_middle([1,2,3,4,5]) # huh? 2 >>> len([1,2,3,4,5]) / 2 #...
round(number[,ndigits])Return the floating point valuenumberrounded tondigitsdigits after the decimal point. Ifndigitsis omitted, it returns the nearest integer to its input. Delegates tonumber.__round__(ndigits).For the built-in types supportinground(), values are rounded to the closest mul...