if Triangle.isValid(a, b, c): # 如果是三角形则计算周长和面积 print(a, b, c, "can form a triangle") print("The circumference of the triangle is", Triangle.perimeter(a, b, c)) print("The area of the triangle is", Triangle.area(a, b, c)) else: # 输出不能组成三角形的信息 ...
向右旋转:tutle.right(angle),tutle.rt(angle)向左旋转角度:tutle.seth(angle)画笔运动命令 tutle.forward(distance),tutle.fd(distance)tutle.backward(distance),tutle.bk(distance)tutle.left(angle),tutle.lt(angle)tutle.right(angle),tutle.rt(angle)tutle.pendown(),pd(),down():画笔落下,移动时绘制...
is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle. The relation between the sides and angles of a right triangle is the basis for trigonometry. The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse. If the lengths of all three sides of a right triangle are integers, the triangle is...
A right triangle (or right-angled triangle, formerly called a rectangled triangle) has one 90° internal angle (a right angle). The side opposite to the right angle is the hypotenuse; it is the longest side in the right triangle. The other two sides are the legs or catheti (singular:...
def triangle(): for i in range(3): t.forward(l) t.right(120) # 函数的调用 # triangle() # 函数可以传递参数进去 def triangle2(l): for i in range(3): t.forward(l) t.right(120) # 需要传递个参数进去才能调用这个函数 # triangle2(250) ...
t.right(120) # 需要传递个参数进去才能调用这个函数 # triangle2(250) # 定一个函数画长方形 # 四则运算 # + 加 # - 减 # * 乘 # / 除 # // 整除 # % 取余 # 写一个画 n 边形的通用函数 def polygon(l, n): angle = 360 / n ...
turtle.register_shape("triangle", shape=((-2, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0))) - 注册自定义的三角形形状 turtle.setx(x) - 设置海龟的x坐标。 turtle.sety(y) - 设置海龟的y坐标。 turtle.goto(x, y=None) - 将海龟移动到指定的坐标位置。
classic,arrow,tutle(缺省默认值),circle,square,triangle turtle.pensize():设置画笔的宽度。 turtle.speed():画笔的移动速度,范围为0到无穷大。 turtle.pencolor():设置获取画笔颜色。 绘图控制 向前移动:tutle.forward(distance),tutle.fd(distance)
classic,arrow,tutle(缺省默认值),circle,square,triangle turtle.pensize():设置画笔的宽度。 turtle.speed():画笔的移动速度,范围为0到无穷大。 turtle.pencolor():设置获取画笔颜色。 绘图控制 向前移动:tutle.forward(distance),tutle.fd(distance)
classic,arrow,tutle(缺省默认值),circle,square,triangle turtle.pensize():设置画笔的宽度。 turtle.speed():画笔的移动速度,范围为0到无穷大。 turtle.pencolor():设置获取画笔颜色。 绘图控制 向前移动:tutle.forward(distance),tutle.fd(distance)