控制权转移到下一个条件评估器:elif income < 30000。这个评估为True,因此块#2被执行,因此,Python 在整个if/elif/elif/else子句之后恢复执行(我们现在可以称之为if子句)。if子句之后只有一条指令,即print调用,它告诉我们我今年将支付3000.0的税款(15,000 * 20%)。请注意,顺序是强制性的:if首先出现,然后(可选...
return x else: return y print( maximum(2, 3)) def printMax(x, y): '''Prints the maximum of two numbers. The two values must be integers.''' x = int(x) # convert to integers, if possible y = int(y) if x > y: print( x, 'is maximum' ) else: print( y, 'is maximum'...
2. Union: It returns the union of two sets. 3. Intersection: This method returns the intersection of two sets. 4. Difference: The difference of two sets(set1, set2) will return the elements which are present only in set1. Now, we will look at the Python Dictionary. Python Dictionary...
def theKnightsWhoSayNi(gift): if gift == "shrubbery": return ("You must now cut down the tallest tree" "in the forest... with... A HERRING!!!") else: return "You must bring us... A SHRUBBERY!!!" (Notice that when two string literals are adjacent to one another and pare...
return x + y # return 语句表示函数的返回值 函数是有输入(参数)和输出(返回值)的代码单元, 把输入转化为输出 调用函数 定义函数的时候,并不会执行函数体, 当调用函数的时候,才会执行其中的语句块 In [1]: def add(x, y): # 函数定义 def 表示定义一个函数, 紧接着是函数名 函数名后面用一对小括号...
>CREATEVIEWt(c1, c2)ASVALUES(0,1), (1,2); SQL複製 -- Create a temporary function with no parameter.>CREATETEMPORARYFUNCTIONhello()RETURNSSTRINGRETURN'Hello World!'; >SELECThello(); Hello World!-- Create a permanent function with parameters.>CREATEFUNCTIONarea(xDOUBLE, yDOUBLE...
This function uses the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the distance between the two points. The distance is returned as a float."""returnmath.sqrt( (self.x - other_point.x) **2+ (self.y - other_point.y) **2) 尝试在交互式解释器中键入或加载(记住,是python -i point.py)这个文件。然后...
Python通过关键字def来定义一个函数,通过return(或者后文的yield)返回结果,格式如下: def 函数名(参数1,参数2...参数n): """函数说明""" 函数体 return 语句 这就是 Python 函数的组成部分。 所以自定义函数,基本有以下规则步骤: 函数代码块以 def 关键词开头,后接函数标识符名称和圆括号() 任何传入参数...
Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that is able to handle UnicodeEncodeErrors. """ return object() def endswith(self, suffix, start=None, end=None): """ 是否以 xxx 结束 """ """ S....
Incidentally, Python’s standard function random.shuffle() does the same task. As another example, we will consider in SECTION 4.2 functions that sort an array (rearrange its elements so that they are in order). Arrays as return values A function that sorts, shuffles, or otherwise modifies ...