li = [1,2,3,4] def func(x): return x ** 2 # 计算数的平方 print(list(map(func,li))) # 迭代器转化成列表 # 提供了两个列表,对相同位置的列表数据进行相加 l1 = [1,2,3] l2 = [4,5,6] def func(x,y): return x+y print(list(map(func,l1,l2))) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...
2.def my_function(i, my_list=None): 3. if my_list is None: 4. my_list = [] 5. my_list.append(i) 6. return my_list 7.>>> my_function(1) 8.[1] 9.>>> my_function(2) 10.[2] 11.>>> my_function(3) 12.[3] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ...
>>>defdecorator(function):...defclosure():...print("Doing something before calling the function.")...function()...print("Doing something after calling the function.")...returnclosure... 在这个示例中,外层函数充当装饰器的角色。这个函数返回一个闭包对象,它通过增加额外的功能来改变被装饰的输入函...
I wanted something that would take two lists and could do what diff in bash does. Since this question pops up first when you search for "python diff two lists" and is not very specific, I will post what I came up with. Using SequenceMather from difflib you can compare two lists like...
Another suggestion which I'd overlooked comes from Bill the Lizard: defh(x): result = [x +1] result.append(x *3) result.append(y0 ** y3)returnresult This is my least favorite method though. I suppose I'm tainted by exposure to Haskell, but the idea of mixed-type lists has always...
Another difference between strings and lists is that strings are immutable, whereas lists are mutable. 除了这两个区别之外,字符串和列表当然也有自己的方法。 In addition to these two differences, strings and lists, of course,come with their own methods. 通常情况下,列表只包含一种类型的对象,尽管这...
return语句 1#!/usr/bin/python 2# Filename: 3defmaximum(x,y): 4ifx>y: 5returnx 6else: 7returny 8print(maximum(2,3)) 9(源文件:code/ 10输出 11$ python 123 没有返回值的return语句等价于return None。None是Python中表示没有任何东西的特殊 ...
2. Union: It returns the union of two sets. 3. Intersection: This method returns the intersection of two sets. 4. Difference: The difference of two sets(set1, set2) will return the elements which are present only in set1. Now, we will look at the Python Dictionary. Python Dictionary...
• return • def • for • lambda • try 数据类型 • True • False • None • strings • numbers • floats • lists 字符串转义序列(Escape Sequences) • \\ • \' • \" • \a • \b • \f • \n ...
return multiplier times_two = make_multiplier(2) print(times_two(5)) # 输出10 5. 利用列表推导式(List Comprehensions)和生成器表达式(Generator Expressions) 列表推导式和生成器表达式是Python中创建列表和生成器的高效方式,它们使得代码更加简洁、易读。