例如,使用requests库时,可以通过设置超时参数来延长超时时间。 importrequestsdefincrease_timeout():url="https://www.example.com"try:response=requests.get(url,timeout=10)ifresponse.status_code==200:print("请求成功")else:print("请求失败")exceptrequests.exceptions.RequestExceptionase:print("请求超时:",...
2增加请求超时时间:可以通过设置请求超时时间来增加服务器等待响应的时间。例如,使用requests库时,可以通过设置超时参数来延长超时时间。 代码语言:javascript 复制 importrequests defincrease_timeout():url="https://www.example.com"try:response=requests.get(url,timeout=10)ifresponse.status_code==200:print("...
#you can set a backoff factor means delay/sleep time in each retryimportrequestsfromrequests.adaptersimportHTTPAdapterfromrequests.packages.urllib3.util.retryimportRetry#initailize the request sessionrequest_session = requests.Session()#initailizing retry object#you can increase the number of total reti...
distlib, urllib3, tomlkit, six, shellingham, pyparsing, pycparser, poetry-core, platformdirs, pkginfo, pexpect, jeepney, idna, filelock, crashtest, charset-normalizer, certifi, cachy, virtualenv, requests, packaging, html5lib, dulwich, cleo, cffi, requests-toolbelt, cryptography, cachecontrol, ...
CONCURRENT_REQUESTS 默认:16 Scrapy downloader 并发请求(concurrent requests)的最大值。 CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_DOMAIN 默认:8 对单个网站进行并发请求的最大值。 CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_IP 默认:0 对单个IP进行并发请求的最大值。如果非0,则忽略CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_DOMAIN设定, 使用该设定。 也就是说,并发...
except Timeout: # Handle timeout error: log the error and increase the retry count and backoff delay logger.error(f"Timeout error for {url}") retry_count += 1 backoff *= 2 except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: # Handle HTTP error: log the error and check the status code ...
line 618, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "/root/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 521, in send raise ReadTimeout(e, request=request) requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.binance.com', port=443): Read timed out....
import requests,json,time from dingtalkchatbot.chatbot import DingtalkChatbot #获取时间戳 def GetTime(): t = time.time() Timestamp = round(t * 1000) # print(Timestamp) return Timestamp #传入大盘指数新浪接口 def MarketIndex(SharesID): ...
If the server is overloaded, we can use a timeout to wait longer for a response. This will increase the chance of a request finishing successfully. 1 2 3 4 5 import requests url = 'https://www.example.com' response = requests.get(url, timeout=7) print(response) The code above wi...
2.4. Models@Runtime MDE constitutes a software abstraction paradigm, in their building, maintenance, and reasoning, to increase productivity. It is an iterative and incremental software development process based on the notion of a model. A model [14] is an abstraction of a system, where models...