importredefreplace_whitespace(filename):withopen(filename,"r") 替换换行符text=text.replace("\n"," ")# 替换空白字符text=re.sub(r"\s","_",text)# 将替换后的文本写入新文件withopen("new_"+filename,"w")asfile:file.write(text)replace_whitespace("example.txt") ...
s.isdigit() -> bool Return True if all characters in S are digits s.islower() -> bool Return True if all cased characters in S are lowercase s.isspace() -> bool Return True if all characters in S are whitespace s.istitle() -> bool 如果字符串中所有的单词拼写首字母是否为大写,且...
def simplify_punctuation_and_whitespace(sentence_list):norm_sents = [] print("Normalizing whitespaces and punctuation") for sentence in tqdm(sentence_list): sent = _replace_urls(sentence) sent = _simplify_punctuation(sentence) sent = _normalize_whitespace(sent) norm_sents.append...
如下例子:s =' This is a sentence with whitespace. \n' print('Strip leading whitespace: {}'.format(s.lstrip())) print('Strip trailing whitespace: {}'.format(s.rstrip())) print('Strip all whitespace: {}'.format(s.strip())) Strip leading whitespace: This is a sentence with white s...
If you want to remove all space characters, use str.replace() (NB this only removes the “normal” ASCII space character ' ' U+0020 but not any other whitespace): >>> " hello apple ".replace(" ", "") 'helloapple' If you want to remove all whitespace and then leave a single ...
Strip trailing whitespace:通过对每一行应用str.rstip,去除一行中最后一个非空白字符后面的尾部空格或其他空白字符。 提示 在编写Python程序时,主要会遇到两类错误:语法错误和逻辑错误。当执行到有语法错误的代码时,Python解释器会显示出错信息,开发者可根据提示信息分析错误原因并解决。然而,Python解释器无法发现逻辑错误...
1、使用字符串函数replace 代码语言:javascript 复制 >>>a='hello world'>>>a.replace(' ','')'helloworld' 2、使用字符串函数split 代码语言:javascript 复制 >>>a=''.join(a.split())>>>print(a)helloworld 3、使用正则表达式 代码语言:javascript ...
indent : int, optional Length of whitespace used to indent each record. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 storage_options : dict, optional Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection, e.g. host, port, username, password, etc. For HTTP(S) URLs the key-value pairs are for...