2. NumPy repeat array n times using repeat() function One of the best ways to repeat elements of an array in Python is by using NumPy’s repeat function. This function repeats each element of the array n times in Python. Here is the complete code, of how Python repeat array n times:...
@timer_decorator defcomplex_function():time.sleep(2)complex_function() 2.2 带参数的装饰器 装饰器不仅可以接受函数作为参数,还可以接受额外的参数来定制其行为。这种装饰器被称为带参数的装饰器。 代码语言:javascript 复制 defrepeat(n_times):defdecorator_repeat(func):defwrapper(*args,**kwargs):for_inr...
starmap可以看做是map的变体,它能更加节省内存,同时iterable的元素必须也为可迭代对象,原型如下: starmap(function, iterable) 应用它: starmap的实现细节如下: 10 复制元素 repeat实现复制元素n次,原型如下: repeat(object[, times]) 应用如下: 它的实现细节大概如下: 11 笛卡尔积 笛卡尔积实现的效果同下: 所以...
kwargs={'foo': 'bar'}, # Keyword arguments passed into function when executed interval=60, # Time before the function is called again, in seconds repeat=None, # Repeat this number of times (None means repeat forever) meta={'foo': 'bar'} # Arbitrary pickleable data on the job itself...
To apply multiple decorators to a single function: @my_decorator @repeat(2) def greet(name): print(f"Hello {name}") greet("Alice") 8. Decorator with Optional Arguments Creating a decorator that works with or without arguments: def smart_decorator(arg=None): def decorator(func): @wraps(...
repeat(object, times) 该函数创建一个迭代器,不断的重复 object,当然如果指定 times 的话,则只会重复 times 次。 importitertools x = itertools.repeat("XYZ")forkinx:print(k, end =", ")# 输出结果如下 无穷无尽XYZ, XYZ, XYZ, XYZ, XYZ, XYZ, ... ...
Before the function call Hello, world! After the function call 如果要创建带参数的装饰器,需要在原始装饰器外层再嵌套一层函数。 defrepeat(times):defdecorator(func):defwrapper(*args,**kwargs):for_inrange(times):func(*args,**kwargs)returnwrapperreturndecorator ...
python timeit.py [-n N] [-r N] [-s S] [-p] [-h] [--] [statement]Options:-n/--number N: how many timestoexecute'statement' (default: see below)-r/--repeat N: how many timestorepeat the timer (default5) -s/--setup S: statementtobe executed once initially (default'pass'...
Now, add waste_some_time() as an example of a function that spends some time, so that you can test @timer. Here are some examples of timings: Python >>> from decorators import timer >>> @timer ... def waste_some_time(num_times): ... for _ in range(num_times): ... sum...
文本检索(text retrieve)的常用策略是:用一个ranking function根据搜索词对所有文本进行排序,选取前n个,就像百度搜索一样。 结巴分词后的停用词性 标点符号和连词和助词和副词和介词和时语素和的和数词和方位词和代词 对一篇文章分词和去停用词 对目录下的所有文本进行预处理,构建字典。