# 定义函数以去掉每行最后的空格defremove_trailing_spaces(input_file,output_file):# 打开输入文件以读模式,输出文件以写模式withopen(input_file,'r',encoding='utf-8')asinfile,open(output_file,'w',encoding='utf-8')asoutfile:# 逐行读取文件forlineininfile:# 去掉行末的空格new_line=line.rstrip()...
这样可以根据具体需求来实现不同的逻辑。 defremove_trailing_spaces(input_string):whileinput_string.endswith(' '):input_string=input_string[:-1]returninput_string# 使用自定义函数删除右侧空格original_string="Hello World "new_string=remove_trailing_spaces(original_string)print(new_string)# 输出:Hello ...
def remove_trailing_spaces(arr): for i in range(len(arr)): arr[i] = arr[i].rstrip() return arr # 示例使用 my_array = ["hello ", "world ", " ", " foo bar "] result = remove_trailing_spaces(my_array) print(result)
returninput_str[:count] fromstringimportwhitespaceaswsdefremove_trailing_whitespace(t):returnt[:-next(ifori, cinenumerate(t[::-1])ifcnotinws)] Example: >>>print'"{}"'.format(remove_trailing_whitespace(' hello '))# spaces" hello">>>print'"{}"'.format(remove_trailing_whitespace(' hello...
Strip trailing whitespace册除尾随空白 Remove trailing space and other whitespace characters after the last non-whitespace(character of a line by applying str.rstrip to each line,including lines within multiline strings. Except for Shell windows, remove extra newlines at the end of the file. ...
python3 regexspaces.py Copy You get the following output: Remove all spaces using regex: HelloWorldFromDigitalOceanHiThere Remove leading spaces using regex: Hello World From DigitalOcean Hi There Remove trailing spaces using regex: Hello World From DigitalOcean ...
The problem seems to be, that using{%-syntax afterYremoves the newline before the{(wanted) but at the same time removes the trailing spaces ofY(not wanted) Considering the question title, I know that it is not clearly distinguishable if a newline is "caused" by a t...
*Note*: MySQL follows the standard SQL specification, and does not remove trailing spaces from VARCHAR values. VARCHAR is shorthand for CHARACTER VARYING. NATIONAL VARCHAR is the standard SQL way to define that a VARCHAR column should use some predefined character set. MySQL uses utf8 as this ...
README.rst Remove trailing spaces from many PEPs (python#983) Apr 16, 2019 deploy.bash package/deploy: it's working now Feb 24, 2019 docutils.conf removed www.python.org hostname from PEP base URL so mirrors work Mar 24, 2006 genpepindex.py Convert PEP index to ReST (python#705) Jul...
(integer) Replace all tabs with spaces of tabsize integer # 'hello\tworld' => 'hello world' s.lstrip() Remove leading whitespace from s # ' hello ' => 'hello ' s.rstrip() Remove trailing whitespace from s # ' hello ' => ' hello' s.zfill(width) Left fill s with ASCII '0' ...