mylist = [item for item in mylist if item not in remove_set] 2. Remove Multiple Items From a List Using If Statement You can remove multiple items from a list using the if control statement. To iterate the list using Pythonfor loopat a specific condition. For every iteration use aifst...
If you really want to keep thefor-loopsyntax, then you need to iterate over a copy of the list (A copy is simply created by usinga[:]). Now you can remove items from the original list if the condition is true. foritemina[:]:ifeven(item):a.remove(item)# --> a = [1, 3] ...
在循环遍历数组时,如果找到需要删除的元素,可以使用remove()方法将它从数组中删除。代码示例如下: # 创建一个原始数组array=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]# 遍历原始数组forelementinarray:# 判断是否需要删除元素ifelement%2==0:# 删除需要删除的元素array.remove(element)# 打印修改后的原始数组print(array) 1...
delete all odd index items in one go using slice del lst[1::2] You cannot delete elements from a list while you iterate over it, because the list iterator doesn't adjust as you delete items. SeeLoop "Forgets" to Remove Some Itemswhat happens when you try. ...
# access 3rd item with index 2 x = a[2] print(x) print(type(x)) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 执行和输出: 2.2. 访问 Python 列表中的多个项 通过提供范围索引,你还可以该列表的子列表或多个项。 在接下来的示例中,我们创建了一个索引,然后访问从第 2 到第 5 项,除最后一个索引所指示项的总计...
mylist.remove(item) print(mylist) 执行和输出: 可以看出该项已移除,它后边的每项的索引减一。 5.2. 移除出现多次的元素 在接下来的示例中,我们新建了一个包含多个元素的列表,而要移除的项 21,在列表中出现了两次。 # Remove item that is present multiple times in the List ...
1. Quick Examples of Remove from List by Index If you are in a hurry, below are some quick examples of how to remove items from the list by index. # Quick examples to remove item from list by index# Example 1: Using remove() by Indextechnology=["Hadoop","Spark","Python","Java",...
print(List) 输出 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] [1, 2, 10, 4, 5, 6] [1, 89, 78, 4, 5, 6] 还可以使用del关键字删除列表元素。如果我们不知道要从列表中删除哪个元素, Python还将为我们提供remove()方法。 请考虑以下示例, 以删除列表元素。
fromkeys(original_items)) That will de-duplicate your items while keeping them in the order that each item was first seen.If you'd like practice de-duplicating list items, try out the uniques_only Python Morsels exercise. The bonuses include some twists that weren't discussed above. 😉...