\s -- (lowercase s) matches a single whitespace character -- space, newline, return, tab, form [ \n\r\t\f]. \S (upper case S) matches any non-whitespace character. \t, \n, \r -- tab, newline, return \d -- decimal digit [0-9] (some older regex utilities do not support...
regex.findite() 作用同re.finditer(pattern, string, flags=0)。返回一个迭代器,产生所有不重复的match对象。此外,也有pos和endpos参数。 regex.sub(repl,string,count=0) 同re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)。返回将匹配到的substring替换成repl后的字符串。如果没有匹配,字符串不变。 rep...
We look for matches with regex functions. FunctionDescription matchDetermines if the RE matches at the beginning of the string. fullmatchDetermines if the RE matches the whole of the string. searchScans through a string, looking for any location where this RE matches. ...
result=re.sub('abc','',input)# Delete pattern abcresult=re.sub('abc','def',input)# Replace pattern abc -> defresult=re.sub(r'\s+',' ',input)# Eliminate duplicate whitespacesresult=re.sub('abc(def)ghi',r'\1',input)# Replace a string with a part of itselfresult=re.sub("(\...
正则表达式,又成正规表示式,正规表示法,正规表达式,规则表达式,常规表示法(英语:Regular Expression,在代码 中常简写为regex、regexp或RE),是计算机科学的一个概念,正则表达式使用带个字符串来描述,匹配一系列匹配某个句 法规则的字符串,在很多文本编辑器里,正则表达式通常被用来检索,替换那些匹配某个模式的文本。
('first',)>>> regex.match(r"(?|(first)|(second))","second").groups() ('second',) 两次匹配都是把捕获到的内容放到编号为1捕获组中,在某些情况很方便。 (?flags-flags:...) 局部范围的flag控制。在re模块,flag只能作用于整个表达式,现在可以作用于局部范围了: ...
\S Matches non-whitespace characters. 匹配非空白的字符(非\t,\n,\r) \A Matches the expression to its right at the absolute start of a string whether in single or multi-line mode. 在单行模式或多行模式下,在字符串的绝对开始处匹配其右侧表达式。 \Z Matches the expression to its left at th...
On lines 3 and 5, DOTALL is in effect, so the dot does match the newline. Note that the short name of the DOTALL flag is re.S, not re.D as you might expect. re.Xre.VERBOSE Allows inclusion of whitespace and comments within a regex. The VERBOSE flag specifies a few special ...
\s*$ # Trailing whitespace to end-of-line """, re.VERBOSE) 匹配方法 正则对象的方法和属性 方法/属性 - 正则编译后的对象.方法名()功能match('字符串'[,起始位置[,结束位置]])从字符串开头开始匹配,返回匹配对象search('字符串'[,起始位置[,结束位置]])找到第一个匹配成功的子字符串,返回匹配对象fi...
compile(r""" \s* # Skip leading whitespace (?P[^:]+) # Header name \s* : # Whitespace, and a colon (?P<value>.*?) # The header's value -- *? used to # lose the following trailing whitespace \s*$ # Trailing whitespace to end-of-line """, re.VERBOSE) 匹配方法正则对象的...