Reading user input from the keyboard is a valuable skill for a Python programmer, and you can create interactive and advanced programs that run on the terminal. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create robust user input programs, integrating error ha
Read a string from standard input. The trailing newline is stripped. The prompt string, if given, is printed to standard output without a trailing newline before reading input. If the user hits EOF (*nix: Ctrl-D, Windows: Ctrl-Z+Return), raise EOFError. On *nix systems, readline is ...
On reading the Enter key, the program proceeds to the next statement. Let use change our program to store the user input in name and city variables.#! /usr/bin/python3.11 name = input() city = input() print ("Hello My name is", name) print ("I am from ", city) ...
NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined 1. 2. 3. 4. 改为input()后的输出为; Enter something --> Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module> s = input('Enter something --> ') EOFError: EOF when reading a line 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 我们...
```python try:line = input("请输入内容:")继续处理输入内容 ...except EOFError:print("输入结束")给出适当的处理方式,如退出程序或重新获取输入 ...```通过上述方法,你可以更好地处理"EOFError: EOF when reading a line"错误,确保在读取输入时不会遇到问题。但请注意,在特定情况下,...
Note:Before Python 3 introduced theinput()function, the way to go when reading the user input was theraw_input()function. Still, it's always advised to use Python 3 and itsinput()function whenever you can! InPython 3, theraw_input()function has been deprecated and replaced by theinput(...
trailing newline before reading input.If the user hitsEOF(*nix:Ctrl-D,Windows:Ctrl-Z+Return),raise EOFError.On*nix systems,readline is usedifavailable. 可以看到,input超级简单有木有,话不多说,盘它! 在Python3中,输入的一切都是字符串(这是Python的一种数据类型,以后会说到,总之现在先了解一下),...
2.读取文本文件( 程序如下: #read and dislay text file print("read and dislay text file") fname = input("Enter filename:") print #display a empty line #attempt to open file for reading try: fobj = open(fname, 'r') except IOError: print("file open error:") else: #...
If the user hits EOF (Unix: Ctl-D, Windows: Ctl-Z+Return), raise EOFError. (如果用户按下EOF符(Unix: Ctrl-D, Windows: Ctrl-Z+回车),触发EOF异常EOFError.) On Unix, GNU readline is used if enabled. The prompt string, if given,is printed without a trailing newline before reading. ...
Thesysmodule contains astdinmethod for reading from standard input. Use this method to fetch user input from the command line. Import thesyslibrary and use thestdinmethod in afor loop. See the example below for a demonstration: import sys ...