在connect方法中,还可用参数pkey指定本机私钥文件用于身份验证,内容可以是个PKey类对象。也可以用key_filename = '路径' 这个参数来指定一个文件。而在SSHClient类还有方法load_system_host_keys用于指定对方主机存放本机公钥的位置,默认不加参数的话是将这个位置设置为~/.ssh/known_hosts。SSHClient类对象connect之前...
接下来是给 NiceGUI 写的 IDE 集成 SharePoint 文档库管理功能的时候了。 之前经过调研发现,Python 包中涉及 SharePoint 管理的也还是蛮多的,最后选择了 Office365-REST-Python-Client。 选完以后的首要任务肯定是进行 Authentication 了,这正是本文标题中“曲径通幽”的深意,用来形容微软十分抽象的认证体系。如果你...
If you have done this correctly you should have something that looks like the image below. Make sure you have bothSites.Read.AllandFiles.ReadWrite.Allas configured scopes. Sites are the top-level objects in SharePoint/OneDrive/Teams drives, and the file scope allows you to download and uploa...
设置SharePoint的URL和认证信息: 代码语言:txt 复制 url = "https://your-sharepoint-site.com/sites/your-site/" username = "your-username" password = "your-password" 构建上传文件的请求: 代码语言:txt 复制 file_path = "path/to/your/file.txt" file_name = "file.txt" headers = { "Content-...
sharepoint-site-url', version=Version.v365, authcookie=authcookie) # 获取目标文件夹 folder = site.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/sites/your-site/documents/your-folder') # 读取Excel文件 excel_data = pd.read_excel('path-to-your-excel-file.xlsx') # 将数据上传到SharePoint folder.AddFile...
如何使用工作或学校帐户在 Python 中读取 SharePoint Online (Office365) Excel 文件? 本质上,我想将一个 excel 文件从 SharePoint 导入 pandas 以进行进一步分析。 问题是当我运行下面的代码时出现以下错误。 XLRDError: Unsupported format, or corrupt file: Expected BOF record; found b'\r\n<!DOCT' 我的...
folder_path=share_point.create_folder(folder_path,folder_name)上传⽂件 # 将【aaa.xlsx】上传到⽬录【/filearchive/FBAttArchive/test/testa】下,并命名为 test.xlsx with open("aaa.xlsx", "rb") as file:content=file.read()file_name="test.xlsx"folder_path="/filearchive/FBAttArchive/test/...
ReadHow to Create Python Tkinter Text Editor? 1. Create Table We create a Tkinter table with the help ofTreeview. It refers to hierarchical representation. The Tkinter.ttk module is used to drive a tree view and we use the tree view to make a table ...
--- I have also posted this to StackOverflow --- Using this answer, I am attempting to read an Excel document from SharePoint into a pandas dataframe. My code is as follows: from office365.runtime.auth.authentication_context import Authe...
ReadHow to convert Python file to exe using Pyinstaller MY LATEST VIDEOS Create a Horizontal Separator To create a horizontal separator, we can use thettk.Separatorwidget with theorientparameter set to"horizontal". Here’s an example: from tkinter import * ...