5、文本文件的写方法 模式字符串: 'w'/'x'/'a' F.write(字符串) F.writelines(字符串列表) 6、文件的迭代读取 文件流对象是可迭代对象,迭代过程将以换行符'\n'作用分隔符依次获取 示例: f = open('mynote.txt', 'rt') for line in f: # f绑定的文件流...
模块的read_text()方法返回一个文本文件的完整内容的字符串。它的write_text()方法用传递给它的字符串创建一个新的文本文件(或者覆盖一个现有的文件)。在交互式 Shell 中输入以下内容: 代码语言:javascript 复制 >>> from pathlib import Path >>> p = Path('spam.txt') >>> p.write_text('Hello, ...
file_object = open('thefile.txt') try: all_the_text = ) finally: file_object.close( ) #读固定字节 file_object = open('abinfile', 'rb') try: while True: chunk = if not chunk: break do_something_with(chunk) finally: file_object.close( )...
line=file1.readline() #readline()是读取一行 # 这里可以进行逻辑处理 file2.write('"'+line[:]+'"'+",")ifnot line : #如果行读取完成,就直接跳出循环break#记住文件处理完成关闭文件是一个号习惯 file1.close() file2.close() 读文件有3种方法: read()将文本文件所有行读到一个字符串中。 readlin...
read()) except UnsupportedOperation as e: print('读取文件时发生异常: ', e)运行结果:读取文件时发生异常: not readable 为了同时支持“读写”,和 w+ 一样,使用 x+ 模式打开即可。import os from io import UnsupportedOperation if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) with open(path, 'x+') as...
text2 = "This is text2, another line of text." f.write(text1) f.write(text2) # 继续写入其他文本块 ... 读写方法4 # 重定向打印语句到文件的方法非常适用于生成报告、日志或任何需要保存输出结果的场景。 # print(line1, file=f)和print(line2, file=f)将line1和line2写入文件'f'中 ...
""" readinto() -> Undocumented. Don't use this; it may go away. """ pass def readline(self, size=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__ 仅读取一行数据 """readline([size]) -> next line from the file, as a string. ...
print(line2.rstrip()) line3 = f.readline() print(line3.rstrip()) In the example, we read three lines from the file. Therstripfunction cuts the trailing newline character from the string. $ ./ Lost Illusions Beatrix
fileObject.write("First Astronaut on the moon\n") fileObject.write("Neil Armstrong\n") 15 [4] fileObject.close() [5] fileObject = open(strPath) [6] textList = fileObject.readlines() [7] for line in textList: First Astronaut on the moon Neil ...
file_handle =open('readme.txt','r')file_handle#<_io.TextIOWrapper name='readme.txt'mode='r'encoding='UTF-8'> #正如您在这里看到的,file_handle不是文件,而是对它的引用:。 2.读取文件:一旦打开文件,我们就可以读取它的内容 有...