df = pd.read_excel('path/to/excel_file.xlsx') # 指定要读取的行和列范围 start_row = 2 # 起始行(索引为0) end_row = 5 # 结束行 start_col = 'A' # 起始列 end_col = 'C' # 结束列 # 根据行和列范围提取数据 selected_data = df.loc[start_row:end_row, start_col:end_col] # ...
Reading Specific Columns from Excel File For this purpose, we will still usepandas.read_excel()method but this time we need to pass an argument called usecols. It is a string-like or list-like argument. If it is None, thenpandas.read_excel()will parse all columns. Ifstr, then indicates...
data=pd.read_excel('file.xlsx') 1. 在这里,file.xlsx是你要读取的Excel文件的文件名。 步骤3: 从第三行开始读取数据 我们可以使用Pandas的iloc[]方法来选择特定行数的数据,从0开始计数。因此,要从第三行开始读取数据,我们可以这样做: data_from_third_row=data.iloc[2:]# 从第三行开始读取数据 1. 在...
forrowinws.iter_rows(): print(row) 执行上述代码的输出如下: 由图可知,该方法应当是一个迭代器,返回的是row是一个tuple,里边是各个单元格cell。可以按照如下方法获取每列的值。 importpprintaspp excel_list = [] forrowinws.iter_rows(): row =list(row) foriinrange(len(row)): row[i] = row[...
row_data[label] = self.entries[month][row][label].get()data.append(row_data)# 将数据保存到Excel文件df = pd.DataFrame(data)df.to_excel(f"{month}_工资.xlsx", index=False)messagebox.showinfo("保存成功", f"{month}的数据已保存到 {month}_工资.xlsx")def load_data(self):# 选择要加载的...
import pandas as pddef read_excel(excel_name): data = pd.read_excel(excel_name) for row in data.itertuples(): # Index:索引, Name:字段名 print(row.Index, row.Name)if __name__ == '__main__': filePath = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Temp\1.xlsx' read_excel(filePath)...
首先,我们有下面这样一个 Excel 表格,其中第三列是图片的 URL 地址: 图1 要操作的表格 代码如下: importxlrd importrequests a = xlrd.open_workbook('1.xlsx','r')#打开.xlsx文件 sht = a.sheets()[0]#打开表格中第一个sheet row1 = sht.row_values(0) ...
for cell in row: print(cell, end=' ') print() 4. 使用pandas读取Excel文件 以下是一个使用pandas读取Excel文件的示例代码: import pandas as pd # 读取Excel文件 df = pd.read_excel('example.xlsx') # 打印数据 print(df) 5. 解决乱码问题 ...
First, import the pandas' packages as pd and read the excel file. At last print the head of the data frame by calling the head method. The excess value of specific columns: Bypassing a list of values of columns as "usecols" inside the read_excel method as a parameter. Selected columns...
Each cell has specific address in refrence to Row and Column. The cell may contain number, formula or text. The grid of cells make the work area or worksheet in excel. The start: Reading data from an Excel sheet: Lets suppose we have this Excel file which we are going to use in ...