将整个模块(somemodule)导入,格式为: import somemodule 从某个模块中导入某个函数,格式为: from somemodule import somefunction 从某个模块中导入多个函数,格式为: from somemodule import firstfunc, secondfunc, thirdfunc 将某个模块中的全部函数导入,格式为: from somemodule import * 导入sys 模块 import s...
The lookup() function expects a string with the character’s name and returns the corresponding Unicode character, while the name() function takes a character and maps it to a suitable name alias. Note that while lookup() and \N{} are case-insensitive, name() always returns the character’...
所以为了避免这个情况,墙裂推荐使用原生字符串类型(raw string)来书写正则表达式。 方法很简单,只需要在表达式前面加个“r”即可,如下 代码语言:javascript 复制 r'\d{2}-\d{8}'r'\bt\w*\b' 二、Re库常用的功能函数 序号001 re.match() 从字符串的起始位置匹配,匹配成功,返回一个匹配的对象,否则返回None...
@timeit_wrapperdefexp(x): ...print('{0:<10}{1:<8}{2:^8}'.format('module', 'function', 'time'))exp(Decimal(150))exp(Decimal(400))exp(Decimal(3000))在GitHub上查看rawtimeit_decorator_usage.py全部代码 输出如下:~ $ python3.8 slow_program.pymodule function time __main...
Help on built-in function input in module __builtin__: input(...) input([prompt]) -> value Equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 如上,通过help(input)不难发现input()本身是由 raw_input()来实现的,input()会对用户输入的内容 '自作聪明' 地去eval()一下。
function_suite return [expression] 2.对象创建 在python 中,类型属于对象,变量是没有类型的: a=[1,2,3] #赋值后这个对象就已经创建好了 a=“Runoob” 以上代码中,[1,2,3] 是List 类型,“Runoob” 是String 类型,而变量a 是没有类型,她仅仅是一个对象的引用(一个指针),可以是 List 类型对象,也可以...
Help on built-infunction inputinmodule__builtin__: input(...) input([prompt])->value Equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)). 如上,通过help(input)不难发现input()本身是由 raw_input()来实现的,input()会对用户输入的内容 '自作聪明' 地去eval()一下。
Repeated calls to the iterator’s next() method (or passing it to the built-in function next()) return successive items in the stream. When no more data are available a StopIteration exception is raised instead. At this point, the iterator object is exhausted and any further calls to its...
print raw ## this\t\n and that multi = """It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.""" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. String 方法 一个方法就像一个函数,但是方法是运行在对象上。如果变量 s 是一个字符串,那么代码 s.lower() 表示在字符串对象 s 上运行 lower() 方法并且返回结果(在...
Python学习笔记3-string More on Modules and their Namespaces Suppose you've got a module "binky.py" which contains a "def foo()". The fully qualified name of that foo function is "binky.foo". In this way, various Python modules can name their functions and variables whatever they want, ...