number between 1 and {upper_limit}!') except ValueError: print('Invalid input, please enter a number!') def play_game(self, player, upper_limit=100): self.random_number_generator(upper_limit) player.start_time = time.time() for attempt in range(1, self.attempts + 1): guess_number ...
result = calculate(selected_number1, selected_number2, *selected_operators) if result is not None: game24_gen.numbers_now = noselected_numbers + [result] is_win = game24_gen.check() if is_win: if not is_win and len(game24_gen.numbers_now) == 1: lose_sound.pla...
RandomNumberGeneratorintidstringtitlefloatrange_startfloatrange_endstringdistribution_type 实战对比 为了更好地理解生成随机浮点数的实际表现,我们可以对比不同技术的性能。下面是使用 Pythonrandom库和NumPy来进行随机数生成的压力测试。 # A技术:使用 random 库importrandomdefgenerate_random_numbers_a(n,lower,upper)...
import osimport cfgimport sysimport pygameimport randomfrom modules import * '''游戏初始化'''def initGame(): # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set_caption('catch coins —— 九歌') # 加载必要的游戏素材 game_images = ...
import os import cfg import sys import pygame import random from modules import * '''游戏初始化''' def initGame(): # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) # 加载必要的游戏素材 game_images = {} for key, value in cfg.IMAGE_PATHS.item...
In this tutorial, you'll take a look at the powerful random number capabilities of the NumPy random number generator. You'll learn how to work with both individual numbers and NumPy arrays, as well as how to sample from a statistical distribution.
import random from modules import * '''游戏初始化''' def initGame: # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set_caption('catch coins —— 九歌') # 加载必要的游戏素材
rseed(seed) Sets the seed of the random number generator. rndi(a, b) Return a random integer greater than or equal to a and less than or equal to b. rndf(a, b) Return a random floating-point number greater than or equal to a and less than or equal to b. nseed(seed) Set the...
import os import cfg import sys import pygame import random from modules import * '''游戏初始化''' def initGame(): # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set_caption('catch coins —— 九歌') # 加载必要的游戏素材 game_...
import copy import random class Matrix2048(): def __init__(self, column: int = 4): self.column = column self.matrix = [[0 for i in range(column)] for li in range(column)] self.history = [] self.score = 0 self.init() # 生成新的数字 def generate_number(self): matrix = self...