number between 1 and {upper_limit}!') except ValueError: print('Invalid input, please enter a number!') def play_game(self, player, upper_limit=100): self.random_number_generator(upper_limit) player.start_time = time.time() for attempt in range(1, self.attempts + 1): guess_number ...
result = calculate(selected_number1, selected_number2, *selected_operators) if result is not None: game24_gen.numbers_now = noselected_numbers + [result] is_win = game24_gen.check() if is_win: if not is_win and len(game24_gen.numbers_now) == 1: lose_sound.pla...
Player-name: string-guessCount: int+getGuess() : int+incrementGuessCount() : voidGame-secretNumber: int-maxGuessCount: int+startGame() : void+playGame(player: Player) : voidRandomNumberGenerator+generateRandomNumber() : intMain+main() : void 3.3. 代码实现 下面是使用Python编写的猜数字游戏的...
import osimport cfgimport sysimport pygameimport randomfrom modules import * '''游戏初始化'''def initGame(): # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set_caption('catch coins —— 九歌') # 加载必要的游戏素材 game_images = ...
import os import cfg import sys import pygame import random from modules import * '''游戏初始化''' def initGame(): # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) # 加载必要的游戏素材 game_images = {} for key, value in cfg.IMAGE_PATHS.item...
In this tutorial, you'll take a look at the powerful random number capabilities of the NumPy random number generator. You'll learn how to work with both individual numbers and NumPy arrays, as well as how to sample from a statistical distribution.
"Stub method. Not used for a system random number generator." return None 翻译:种子,标准的方法,对一个系统随机数生成器来说没用 在定义相同种子数时,返回的随机数一致,但是只用于seed调用下一行随机代码 View Code 8.choice def choice(self, seq): ...
这里我们选择采用伪随机数发生器 (Pseudo Random Number Genarator) ,简称 。 伪随机数并非完全随机 伪随机数发生器用于在系统需要随机数的时候,通过一系列种子值计算出来的伪随机数。因为生成一个真正意义上的“随机数”对于计算机来说是不可能的,伪随机数也只是尽可能地接近其应具有的随机性,但是因为有“种子值”...
import os import cfg import sys import pygame import random from modules import * '''游戏初始化''' def initGame(): # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set_caption('catch coins —— 九歌') # 加载必要的游戏素材 game_...
import random from modules import * '''游戏初始化''' def initGame: # 初始化pygame, 设置展示窗口 pygame.init screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set_caption('catch coins —— 九歌') # 加载必要的游戏素材