self.ui.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/prog_icons/help/help.ico"))# Create webview for help information# and assign a custom URL scheme handler for scheme "qthelp)self._wv = QWebEngineView(self.ui) self._urlschemehandler = HelpSchemeHandler(self._helpEngine,
brew install --cask mambaforge mamba init # open new shell mamba create -n imswitch python=3.9 mamba install -c conda-forge napari nano setup.cfg # comment pypylon and QScintila and PyQtWebEngine and PyQT5 pip install --no-deps <LIB_NAME> ... updating histoscanner stitching Jun 28, 2024 Repository files navigation README GPL-3.0 license ImSwitch ImSwitch is a software solution in Python that aims at generalizing microscope control by using an architecture based on the model-view-presenter (MVP) to provide a solution for flexib...