从上可知,property其实就是一个带有函数功能的attribute,attribute的值是静态的,而property是一个动态的attribute,我们可以根据需要改变它的值。 而在本质上,property能够实现这个动态的改变值的功能,是由于它有__get__、__set__ 和 __delete__方法。我们上面给diameter增加了@property和@diameter.setter,就是给diame...
python @property和@attribute.setter理解 ```python class Human: def __init__(self, name, age): self.__name = name self.__age = age @property def age(self): return self.__age @age.setter def age(self, age): if age > 0: self.__age = age else: print('error') h1 = ...
AttributeError: type object 'A' has no attribute '__N' 这个__N就是类A的私有属性 定义一个私有的名字:就是在私有的名字前面加两条下划线__N = 'aaa',所谓私有,就是不能在类的外面去引用它 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 ...
Notice the single underscore we place before the age attribute. This tells other Python programmers that this is meant to be treated as a private member of the class. It is not truly private, but it is a way to tell your coworkers that this is a property and there are methods that ...
1在Python类成员中有attribute和property 2 attribute是类中保存数据的变量,如果需要对attribute进行封装,那么在类的外部为了访问这些attribute, 往往会提供一些setter和getter 访问器。 3 setter 访问器是对attribute赋值的方法,getter 访问器是取attribute值的方法 ...
@property defname(self):print("Getter for the name")returnf"{self.first_name}{self.last_name}"@name.setter defname(self, name):print("Setter for the name")self.first_name, self.last_name = name.split()属性装饰 创建此属性后,尽管它是通过内部函数实现的,我们仍然可以使用点符号将其用作...
AttributeError: property 'y' of 'Point' object has no setter This way, you’ve converted .x and .y into read-only attributes, which contributes to your goal of trying to control how your users can mutate your class. Note: In the previous example, you can still access and change the...