减少嵌套:避免了深层嵌套的if-else结构,使得代码更加扁平化。 易于维护:当需要修改条件或者添加新的条件时,可以很容易地在函数开头添加新的检查。 避免冗余:去掉了不必要的else语句,因为每个if语句都有明确的返回点。 通过这种方式,提前返回使得代码更加简洁、直观,并且易于理解和维护。 使用合适的逻辑运算符 在Python...
# 一行搞定if-else语句 # 案例一:if-else print("Yes") if 8 > 9 else print("No") # 输出:No # 案例二:if-elif-else E = 2 print("High") if E == 5 else print("数据STUDIO") if E == 2 else print("Low") # 输出:Low # 案例三:if if 3 > 2: print("Exactly") # 输出:Exa...
就像:like_programming = True; if like_programming: print("学 Python 吧") else: print("再考虑考虑")。 9. 要是你得到了表扬,那肯定开心呀,这多正常呀!例如:got_praise = True; if got_praise: print("开心呀") else: print("继续努力得表扬")。
Python if…elif…else Statement Theif...elsestatement is used to execute a block of code among two alternatives. However, if we need to make a choice between more than two alternatives, we use theif...elif...elsestatement. Syntax ifcondition1:# code block 1elifcondition2:# code block 2...
可以看出,if嵌套如何匹配else的,第一层if使用一个tab对齐,第二层使用一个空格对齐,切记elif 循环结构 while/for for 适用于list和dictionary的遍历,也可以是字符串遍历 word ="Programming is fun!"forletterinword:#Only print out the letter iifletter =="i":printletter ...
if expression: expr_true_suite else: expr_false_suite 避免“悬挂 else” /* dangling-else in C */ if (balance > 0.00) if (((balance - amt) > min_bal) && (atm_cashout() == 1)) printf("Here's your cash; please take all bills.\n"); ...
Python if elif else: Python if statement is same as it is with other programming languages. It executes a set of statements conditionally, based on the value of a logical expression. Also read if else, if elif else.
Python Nested if Statements When you have an if statement inside another if statement, this is called nesting in the programming world. It doesn't have to always be a simple if statement but you could use the concept of if, if-else, and even if-elif-else statements combined to form a ...
当在if 语句中运行条件时,Python 返回 True 或 False a = 200 b = 33 if b > a: print("b is greater than a") else: print("b is not greater than a") bool() 函数可让您评估任何值,并为您返回 True 或 False print(bool("Hello")) ...
SciPy det 函数将返回一个方矩阵的行列式。如果系数线性方程的系统的矩阵具有一个决定等于零,则不能逆转矩阵。Python if-else 语句应该为您所熟悉。Python 具有的巧妙"elif"关键字,如果 else-if 控制结构,例如 ︰ xml复制 if n<0:print"nisnegative"elifn==0:print"nequalszero"else:prin...