所以,人们设计了程序设计语言(programminglanguage),用这 种语言来描述程序,同时应用一种软件将程序设计语言描述的程序转换成计算机能直接执行的 指令序列。 1.1.2 程序设计语言 用于描述程序中操作过程的命令、规则的符号集合,称为程序设计语言。它是实现人与计 算机交流的工具。为了让计算机按照人们的意愿处理数据...
Joanna is the executive editor of Real Python. She likes natural languages just as much as she likes programming languages. Her love for puzzles, patterns, and pesky little details led her to follow a career in translation. It was only a matter of time before she would fall in love with ...
Module 1: An Introduction to Python What can Python do? Why Python? Good to know Python Syntax compared to other programming languages Python Install Module 2: Beginning Python Basics The print statement Comments Python Data Structures & Data Types ...
网上搜集的,点击即可下载,希望提供给有需要的人^_^ O'Reilly.Python.And.XML.pdf 2.02 MB OReilly - Programming Python 2nd.pdf 6.98 MB Orielly.Learning.Python.pdf 3.17 MB Di
英文书名进一步阐述了本书的意图,Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming 直译过来的意思是“Python 速成教程:动手操作、基于项目的编程入门”。从书 名来看,它并不是真正意义上的教材。与大学计算机系的正统编程语言教材相比,它大的不同点在于: ...
Basic Python programming and coding concepts can be taught using these computer science resources: Seymour Island Python 101 Python Islands We recommend completing the content in the listed order, as the lessons progressively become more difficult as students continue through th...
20-Python-Libraries-You-Aren-t-Using-But-Should-.pdf 2011 Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python 2nd ed.pdf 21_Recipes_for_Mining_Twitter.pdf A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python.pdf A-Book-about-the-Film-Monty-Python-s-Life-of-Brian-All-the-References-fro...
Object-oriented programming (OOPs) is a programming technique that emphasizes the usage of classes and objects. Its goal is to use programming to create real-world concepts like inheritance, polymorphisms, and encapsulation. The basic idea behind OOPs is to combine data and the functions that ...
| ├──Michael Urban, Joel Murach, Mike Murach - Murach’s Python Programming_ Beginner to Pro (2016, Mike Murach & Associates).djvu 12.27M | ├──Mike Driscoll - Python Interviews_ Discussions with Python Experts (2018, Packt Publishing).pdf 2.03M | ├──Modeling-and-Simulation-in-Pyth...
Functional Programming with Python. coconut - A variant of Python built for simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming. funcy - A fancy and practical functional tools. more-itertools - More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools. returns - A set of type-safe monads, transforme...