Program foriinrange(1,11):print(i)Copy Output 12345678910Copy Explanation The for loop prints the number from 1 to 10 using therange()function hereiis a temporary variable that is iterating over numbers from 1 to 10. Theforloop is used to iterate through the range of numbers from 1 to ...
Write a Python program to print a random sample of words from the system dictionary.Sample Solution:Python Code:import random with open('/usr/share/dict/words', 'rt') as fh: words = fh.readlines() words = [w.rstrip() for w in words] for w in random.sample(words, 7): print(w) ...
word_indx = random.randint(0,3) print(j+1,'、',words[word_indx]['单词']) for i in range(4): print(' ',options[i],'.',words[i]['释义']) while 1: answer = input('请输入你的答案(A-D):') if answer in options: break if options.index(answer) == word_indx: sucess +=...
# Python program to find uncommon words from two string,# Getting strings as input from the userstr1=input('Enter first string : ')str2=input('Enter second string : ')# finding uncommon wordscount={}forwordinstr1.split():count[word]=count.get(word,0)+1forwordinstr2.split():count[wo...
def addNumbers(*numbers): sum = 0 for number in numbers: sum = sum + number print("Sum: ",sum) addNumbers(3,5) # Sum: 8 addNumbers(5,6,7) # Sum: 18 **kwargs 允许你将可变数量的关键字参数传递给函数。 def addNumbers(**data): sum = 0 for key,value in data.items(): sum...
Python program to print words with their length of a string # Function to split into words# and print words with its lengthdefsplitString(str):# split the string by spacesstr=str.split(" ")# iterate words in stringforwordsinstr:print(words," (",len(words),")")# Main code# declare ...
1) Check Prime Number Using For Loop # Program to check if a number is prime or not# Input from the usernum =int(input("Enter a number: "))# If number is greater than 1ifnum >1:# Check if factor existforiinrange(2,num):if(num % i) ==0:print(num,"is not a prime number...
defcount_words(filename):# 打开文件并读取内容withopen(filename,"r") 将文本按照空格分割成单词列表words=text.split()# 统计每个单词的出现次数word_counts={}forwordinwords:ifwordinword_counts:word_counts[word]+=1else:word_counts[word]=1returnword_counts# 统计词频word_counts...
In Python, you don’t denote scope blocks using punctuation characters (like the “{“ and “}” in C-family languages such as C#), you simply indent a number of characters, typically four, like so: XML Copy # If-then name = “Zoot” if name == “Zoot”: print(“Naughty...
例如:a = {‘number’:[1,2,3,4]} ▍9、解释//、%、* *运算符? //(Floor Division)-这是一个除法运算符,它返回除法的整数部分。 例如:5 // 2 = 2 %(模数)-返回除法的余数。 例如:5 % 2 = 1 **(幂)-它对运算符执行指数计算。a ** b表示a的b次方。