最后,print(fibonacci_numbers)将打印出斐波那契数列的前10个数。 然而,这种方法并不是最有效的方法,因为它需要重复计算斐波那契数列的值。更有效的方法是使用动态规划或递归,但这将需要多行代码。在一行代码中实现这些方法可能会使代码难以阅读和理解。 查看更多1...
以下是一个示例Python脚本,它计算并输出斐波那契数列的前20个数字: # 计算斐波那契数列的前20个数字deffibonacci(n):ifn<=1:returnnelse:returnfibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)# 打印斐波那契数列的前20个数字withopen('desktop/fibonacci_numbers.txt','w')asfile:foriinrange(20):result=fibonacci(i)file.writ...
1#A program to find the sum of the cubes of the first n natural numbers2defmain():3n = int(input("Please enter the value of n:"))4s =05foriinrange(1, n + 1):6s += i ** 37#s = (n * (n + 1) // 2) ** 28print("The sum of cubes of 1 through", n,"is", s)...
Update Python Program for Tower of Hanoi.py Jul 30, 2023 Python Program for factorial of a number Code refactor Mar 16, 2023 Python Program to Count the Number of Each Vowel.py Update Python Program to Count the Number of Each Vowel.py Jul 30, 2023 Python Program to Display Fibonacci Seq...
Numbers(数字) String(字符串) List(列表) Tuple(元组) Dictionary(字典) Python支持四种不同的数字类型: int(有符号整型) long(长整型[也可以代表八进制和十六进制]) float(浮点型) complex(复数) python的字串列表有2种取值顺序: 从左到右索引默认0开始的,最大范围是字符串长度少1 ...
# A program to compute the nth Fibonacci number where n is a value input by the user def fibonacci(n): if n <= 0: raise ValueError("n must be positive") elif n < 2: return n fib_n_minus_one = 1 fib_n_minus_two = 0 ...
print() Copy Print Pascal’s Triangle in Python Using For Loop Pascal’s Triangle patterns in programming create a special triangular arrangement of numbers. Nonetheless, creating this pattern is a great way to exercise your mathematical and logical thinking. In this Python program, we made a fun...
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]squares_set = {x**2 for x in numbers}print(squares_set) 代码解析:在这个例子中,我们首先使用列表推导式生成数字的平方列表,然后通过集合推导式将其转化为集合,去除重复的元素,最终得到squares_set集合。 通过这些实例,你可以更全面地理解和运用Python推导式,使得代码更为简洁...
print('screen. If you want to quit this program before it is') print('done, press Ctrl-C.') input('Press Enter to begin...') # Calculate the Nth Fibonacci number: secondToLastNumber = 0 lastNumber = 1 fibNumbersCalculated = 2 ...
sumofthe previous two numbers.The sequence continues forever:0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987...''')whileTrue:# Main program loop.whileTrue:# Keep asking until the user enters valid input.print('Enter the Nth Fibonacci number you wish to')print('calculate (such...