# Program to find Area of Circle using Circumference# Taking circumference from usercircumference =float(input("Enter the circumference of circle : "))# Taking circumference measure unit from userunit =input("Enter the measure unit of circumference (e.g. in, cm) : ")# Finding area of a ci...
return 42 # Don't forget to run `memcached' before running this code client = base.Client(('localhost', 11211)) result = client.get('some_key') if result is None: # The cache is empty, need to get the value # from the canonical source: result = do_some_query() # Cache the re...
You can use math.pi to calculate the area and the circumference of a circle. When you are doing mathematical calculations with Python and you come across a formula that uses π, it’s a best practice to use the pi value given by the math module instead of hardcoding the value....
`[`ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/`](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/)` ...
Area = pi * ra * raprint("Circles area: = %.2f"%Area) Output: Calculating the circumference of a circle: Program: pi =3.14#The value of pi taken in this code is 3.14radius =float(input("Circle's radius:")) Circumf =2* pi * radiusprint("Circumference of the circle is: = %....
Calculate the area of a circle and assign the value to a variable area_of_circle Calculate the circumference of a circle and assign the value to a variable circum_of_circle Take radius as user input and calculate the area. Use the built-in input function to get first name, last name, ...
def find(x, **y): print(type(y)) find(‘letters’,x=’1′,y=’2′) a. dictionary b. an exception is thrown c. string d. tuple answer: (a) dictionary 18. which one of these is not true about recursion? a. we can replace a recursive function by a non-recursive function b....
to exit > Ctrl+d *** batch mode 1. open a terminal on Ubuntu: >> C+Alt+t 2. load python scripts >> python3 test.py *** interactive 1. open a terminal on Ubuntu: >> C+Alt+t 2. load python >> python3 ** reserved words ...
import math n = 5 s = 10 area = (n * s ** 2) / (4 * math.tan(math.pi / n)) print(f'该正{n}边形的面积为:{area:.2f}') import math r = input("") r = int(r) area = math.pi * r ** 2 circumference = 2 * math.pi * r print('圆面积:{:.2f},圆周长:{:.2f...
The feet (green) and head (yellow) positions of 50 penguins were manually marked (shown in inset (b)) and the circumference of a huddle was marked (purple, shown in inset (c)). The head and feet positions are used to estimate the camera perspective (estimated head positions are shown ...