降采样的步骤 读取音频文件:使用wave模块读取WAV格式音频文件。 修改采样率:根据需要,选择一个新的采样率,并通过选择性地保留样本进行降采样。 写入新文件:将降采样后的数据写入新的WAV文件。 代码示例 下面是一个简单的示例,展示了如何使用wave模块进行降采样。 importwaveimportnumpyasnpdefdownsample_wave(input_fil...
(audioname) if suffix == '.mp3': print(f'convert {audioname} to {fmt} file') song = AudioSegment.from_mp3(audioname) song.export(gensuffix(audioname, fmt), format=fmt) if suffix == '.wav': print(f'convert {audioname} to {fmt} file') song = AudioSegment.from_wav(audioname) ...
代码如下所示: defconvert_sample_width(audio,sample_width):converted_audio=audio.set_sample_width(sample_width)returnconverted_audio 1. 2. 3. 代码说明: 定义了一个名为convert_sample_width的函数,该函数接受一个音频对象和目标量化位数作为参数。 调用audio.set_sample_width方法将音频对象的量化位数转换为...
input_path) as source, WAVWriter(source.metadata, args.output_path) as target, ): if source.stereo: for channels_chunk in source.channels_lazy(): mid, side = convert_to_ms(*channels_chunk) left, right = convert_to_lr(mid, side * args.strength) target.append_channels(left, right) ...
You can alsoimport wav2vecin order to convert wave files to the supported output formats in your own Python scripts. The package provides two main classes:WavDecoderand the abstractFormatter(and the concrete implementations:SVGFormatter,PSFormatter, andCSVFormatter). The documentation is currently con...
在Python中将MP3音频文件转换为Numpy数组 可以使用第三方库pydub来实现。pydub是一个用于处理音频文件的库,可以方便地进行音频格式转换、剪切、合并等操作。 以下是一个示例代码,演示如何将MP3音频文件转换为Numpy数组: 代码语言:txt 复制 from pydub import AudioSegment import numpy as np def mp3_to_numpy(mp3_file...
我们可以将WAV数据写入FFmpegstdin管道,并从FFmpegstdout管道读取编码的OGG数据。我的following answer描述了...
self.player.setSource(qtc.QUrl.fromLocalFile(wav_file)) self.clicked.connect(self.player.play) 如您所见,我们修改了构造函数以接受声音文件路径作为参数。这个值被转换为QUrl并通过setSource()方法传递到我们的QSoundEffect对象中。最后,QSoundEffect.play()方法触发声音的播放,因此我们将其连接到按钮的clicked...
Zimbabwean Dollar,Zimbabwe Dollar", ] # 以下函数计算实际转换 def function1(): query = input( "Please specify the amount of currency to convert, from currency, to currency (with space in between).\nPress SHOW to see list of currencies available. \nPress Q to quit. \n" ) if query =...
text to speech October 26, 2020 Jabba Laci Leave a comment Problem #1 You have a text and you want to convert it to audio (possibly to .mp3). Solution #1 The gTTS module can do this for you. “gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech), a Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google...