'wb')asoutput_file:writer.write(output_file)下面是使用 PyMuPDF 库打开 PDF 文件、读取文本内容和添...
4.准备水印pdf文件 ExcelFile = xlrd.open_workbook(‘商家名单.xlsx’) sheet=ExcelFile.sheet_by_name(‘Sheet2’)#打开有商家名单那个sheet print(‘———已导入商家名单———’) col = sheet.col_values(3)#第4列内容为商家名称 id = sheet.col_values(0)#第1列内容为ID del col[0];del id[0...
If you’ve been following along in Python Basics, then you’ll remember from Chapter 12, “File Input and Output,” that all open files should be closed before a program terminates. The PdfReader object does all of this for you, so you don’t need to worry about opening or closing ...
if fn.lower().endswith('.pdf'): os.remove(os.path.join(parent, fn)) 保留pdf中指定文件名的文件,其余的文件都删除 import os #导入模块 def delete_files(path): for foldName, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(path): #用os.walk方法取得path路径下的文件夹路径,子文件夹名,所有文件名 ...
1 读取PDF pdfplumber 提供了两种读取pdf的方式: pdfplumber.open("path/to/file.pdf") pdfplumber.load(file_like_object) 1. 2. 这两种方法都返回pdfplumber.PDF类的实例(instance)。 加载带密码的pdf需要传入参数password,例如:pdfplumber.open(“file.pdf”, password = “test”) ...
pdf_page = pdf.getPage(page) pdf_page.mergePage(watermark_page) pdf_writer.addPage(pdf_page) pdfOutputFile = open(output_pdf,'wb') pdf_writer.encrypt('scb2018')#设置pdf密码 pdf_writer.write(pdfOutputFile) pdfOutputFile.close()
The program waits for you to select Ctrl+Z+Enter to close the window. Select File > Save (or Ctrl+S) to save the property changes. To attach the mixed-mode debugger to an existing process, select Debug > Attach to Process. A dialog opens. In the Attach to Process dialog, select the...
The program waits for you to select Ctrl+Z+Enter to close the window. Select File > Save (or Ctrl+S) to save the property changes. To attach the mixed-mode debugger to an existing process, select Debug > Attach to Process. A dialog opens. In the Attach to Process dialog, select ...
Spire.PDF for Python库提供了相应的接口来添加、替换、删除PDF图片,通过运行上面3段示例代码即可实现对应的操作。如想了解更多Python处理PDF文档的示例,可查看:https://www.e-iceblue.cn/pdfforpython/spire-pdf-for-python-program-guide-content.html