This is the very basic and simple module that programmers can use to generate QR code that uses PIL (Python Image Library for generating the QR image). For using this, programmers have to install it using pip install command and then import it within the program. Program: importqrcode imag...
Tools of static analysis, linters and code quality checkers. Also see awesome-static-analysis. Code Analysis code2flow - Turn your Python and JavaScript code into DOT flowcharts. prospector - A tool to analyse Python code. vulture - A tool for finding and analysing dead Python code. Code ...
1、创建二维码 import pyqrcode import png from pyqrcode import QRCode # Text which is to be converted to QR code print("Enter text to convert") s = input(": ") # Name of QR code png file print("Enter image name to save") n = input(": ") # Adding extension as .pnf d = n...
python-jwt - A module for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens.Build ToolsCompile software from source code.BitBake - A make-like build tool for embedded Linux. buildout - A build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts. PlatformIO - A console tool to ...
Artistic QR-Code #1 -p myqr -p github.jpg The -p is to combine the QR-Code with the following picture which is in the same directory as the program. The resulting picture is black and white by default. #2 -c myqr -p github.jpg -c The -c...
Save_name: QR code name, the default is qrcode.png Save_dir: QR code path, the default is the program working path Use the myqr module in Python to make a QR code Use the Topcoder official website to generate a QR code. You can scan the QR code with your mobile phone to directly...
Python program for rolling the dice (2-player dice game) Snakes and ladder (Single player) in PythonMatplotlib ProgramsHow to place the legend outside the plot in matplotlib? How to change the font size on a matplotlib plot? How to save a plot as an image using matplotlib? More »...
""" Recognize QR code using camera. Press Q to exit the program. Prerequisites: pip3 install pyzbar numpy opencv-python """ __DATE__ = "2019/10/22" import pyzbar.pyzbar as pyzbar import numpy as np import cv2 CAMERA_INDEX = 1 # which camera to use def process(img...
Installed c:\program files\python37\lib\site-packages\pyrect-0.1.4-py3.7.eggFinished processing dependencies for PyAutoGUI==0.9.52第二种安装方法:使用PIP安装,不用先下载直接上命令: python.exe -m pip install pyautogui可能会要求有足够的带宽来保证网速,因为我试了很多次均中途退出。后在另一台电脑...
Steps to Implement a C++ Program to Decode Barcode and QR Codes from WebP ImagesSet the license key of Dynamsoft Barcode Reader. char errorMsgBuffer[512]; int ret = DBR_InitLicense("LICENSE-KEY", errorMsgBuffer, 512); printf("DBR_InitLicense: %s\n", errorMsgBuffer); Initialize the ...