除了 type() 函数之外,我们还可以使用 datatype() 函数来检查变量的数据类型。下面是一些使用datatype()函数的实例:1、检查数字类型 x = 100y = 3.14z = 2 + 3jprint(datatype(x)) # 输出结果:<class'int'>print(datatype(y)) # 输出结果:<class'float'>print(datatype(z)) # 输出结果:<...
datatype在python中的用法 datatype在python中的用法 在Python中,datatype(数据类型)决定了变量可以存储什么类型的值。常见的数据类型包括整型(int)、浮点型(float)、布尔型(bool)、字符串型(str)等。要定义一个变量并为其指定特定的数据类型,可以使用以下语法:variable_name=value#根据value的类型来确定...
x =1# assign variable x the value 1y = x +5# assign variable y the value of x plus 5z = y# assign variable z the value of y 这些示例将数字分配给变量,但数字只是 Python 支持的其中一种数据类型。 请注意,不存在为变量声明的任何类型。 Python 是一种动态类型化语言,这意味着变量类型由赋予...
The operand to the left of the = operator is the name of the variable and the operand to the right of the = operator is the value stored in the variable. For example − #!/usr/bin/python3counter=100# An integer assignmentmiles=1000.0# A floating pointname="John"# A stringprint(cou...
Python creates integers from a built-in data type called int, and decimals (floating-point numbers) as instances of float. Python's built-in type() function returns a variable's data type. The following code outputs data types:Python Copy ...
Some of the data types in Python are int, float, str, and more. Ways to print type of variable in Python In this tutorial, we will print type of variable in Python using different methods. Using the type() function We can use the type() function to return the data type of an ...
print(f"整型为{data},浮点型为{data2},字符串为{data3}") #格式f/F"{variable_name},{variable_name},{variable_name}" print(f"整型为{data:4},浮点型为{data2:4},字符串为{data3:4}") #f/F{variable_name:宽度} print(f"整型为{data:<4}, 浮点型为{data2:<4}, 字符串为{data3:<4...
Variable size They mutable, i.e. they elements of a list can be changed简单的copy会改变原来list的值,如果不想改变原来的值,则需要深度copy (deepcopy):>>> lst1 = ['a','b',['ab','ba']] >>> lst2 = lst1[:] >>> lst2[0] = 'c' >>> lst2[2][1] = 'd' >>> print(lst...
python的datapython的datatype python数据类型PythonData Types are used to define the type of a variable. Previously we learned about statement and comment inPython. If you want then you can find it fromPythonComment & Stat python的data 字符串 ...
/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-counter=100# 赋值整型变量miles=1000.0# 浮点型name="John"# 字符串printcounterprintmilesprintname 运行实例 » 以上实例中,100,1000.0和"John"分别赋值给counter,miles,name变量。 执行以上程序会输出如下结果:...