v in dictionary.items() if v == value] keys = get_keys_from_value(my_dict, 2) print(ke...
values() print('Original items:', values) # delete an item from dictionary del[sales['apple']] print('Updated items:', values) 输出 Original items: dict_values([2, 4, 3]) Updated items: dict_values([4, 3]) 视图对象values 本身并不返回sales 项目值的列表,但它返回字典所有值的视图。
my_dict8 = {'name': 'John', 'age': 25 , 1: [2, 4, 3], 'gender': 'man'} print('copy:', my_dict8.copy()) print('keys:', my_dict8.keys()) print('values:', my_dict8.values()) print('items:', my_dict8.items()) 结果如下: copy: {'name': 'John', 'age': 25...
dict.values()以列表返回字典中的所有值 dict.items()以列表返回可遍历的(键, 值) 元组数组 dict1 = {'Name': 'Zara', 'Age': 7, 'Sex': 'female'} print (dict1.keys()) print (dict1.values()) print (dict1.items()) 1. 2. 3. 4. dict_keys(['Name', 'Age', 'Sex']) dict_val...
Values: dict_values(['Apple', 'Bat', 'Cat']) Example 2: Use of Dictionary values() Method # dictionary declarationstudent={"roll_no":101,"name":"Shivang","course":"B.Tech","perc":98.5}# printing dictionaryprint("data of student dictionary...")print(student)# getting all valuesx=st...
字典Dictionary 在Python中,字典(Dictionary)是一种无序的、可变的数据类型,用于存储键-值(key-value)对的集合。字典是通过键来索引和访问值的,而不是通过位置。 字典dictionary ,在一些编程语言中也称为 hash , map ,是一种由键值对组成的数据结构。 基本操作 python用{}或者dict()来创建声明一个空字典 In...
fruit_dict.clear()print(fruit_dict)# 输出:{} 2.5 遍历字典 2.5.1 遍历键 forkeyinfruit_dict:print(key) 2.5.2 遍历值 forvalueinfruit_dict.values():print(value) 2.5.3 遍历键值对 forkey,valueinfruit_dict.items():print(f'{key}:{value}') ...
print(dict1) {'shanghai':'pudong','sichuan':'chengdu'} fromkey:创建一个新的字典,以序列seq中的元素作为字典的键,value为字典所有键对应的初始值; seq='ShangHai','Beijing','SiChuan' dict=dict.fromkeys(seq,100) print(dict) {'Beijing':100,'ShangHai':100,'SiChuan':100} ...
To separate the keys from their values, you need to use a colon (:). Here’s the syntax for a dictionary literal:Python Syntax { <key_1>: <value_1>, <key_2>: <value_2>, ..., <key_N>: <value_N>, } The keys and values are completely optional, which means that you can...
print(len(thisdict)) Try it Yourself » Dictionary Items - Data Types The values in dictionary items can be of any data type: Example String, int, boolean, and list data types: thisdict ={ "brand":"Ford", "electric":False,