Some of the data types in Python are int, float, str, and more. Ways to print type of variable in Python In this tutorial, we will print type of variable in Python using different methods. Using the type() function We can use the type() function to return the data type of an ...
Python supports three types of numeric value: • Integers: It defined as int. Positive or negative whole numbers (with no fractional part) Full: int (% d) Assigning an integer value to an integer variable (% d): myInt = 12 # Printing variable print ("My Whole Number is") # ...
Python 會從 int 類型的內建資料建立整數,並以 float 的執行個體形式建立小數 (浮點數)。 Python 內建 type() 函式會傳回變數的資料類型。 下列程式碼會輸出資料類型:python 複製 x = 1 print(type(x)) # outputs: <class 'int'> x = 1.0 print(type(x)) # outputs: <class 'float'> 在 結尾...
print(f"整型为{data},浮点型为{data2},字符串为{data3}") #格式f/F"{variable_name},{variable_name},{variable_name}" print(f"整型为{data:4},浮点型为{data2:4},字符串为{data3:4}") #f/F{variable_name:宽度} print(f"整型为{data:<4}, 浮点型为{data2:<4}, 字符串为{data3:<4...
>>> print x ** 3 8000 >>> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Now let see how we can use multiple variables for different values. So from above we know that x which represents value 20 and now we will take another variable called ‘y’ where we will assign value 10 to it and do...
>>>x,y,z=1,2,"abcd">>>print(x)1>>>print(y)2>>>print(z)abcd Copy You can reuse variable names by simply assigning a new value to them : >>>x=100>>>print(x)100>>>x="Python">>>print(x)Python>>> Copy Other ways to define value ...
The operand to the left of the = operator is the name of the variable and the operand to the right of the = operator is the value stored in the variable. For example − #!/usr/bin/python3counter=100# An integer assignmentmiles=1000.0# A floating pointname="John"# A stringprint(cou...
print("e's imaginary part is: ", e.imag) print(sys.float_info)#float类型通过系统命令打印出其支持的范围 1.2、变量Variable 变量是用来存储信息的,变量名属于identifier, (1)、变量命名规则 第一个字符必须是字母或者下划线,其余字符可以是字母,数字,或者下划线,区分大小写,如:合法:i、 name_3_4、big_...
/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-counter=100# 赋值整型变量miles=1000.0# 浮点型name="John"# 字符串printcounterprintmilesprintname 运行实例 » 以上实例中,100,1000.0和"John"分别赋值给counter,miles,name变量。 执行以上程序会输出如下结果:...
在Python中,你可以使用type()函数来检查变量的数据类型。例如: x = 100 print(type(x)) # 输出:<class 'int'> y = 3.14 print(type(y)) # 输出:<class 'float'> z = "Hello" print(type(z)) # 输出:<class 'str'> 了解这些基本数据类型对于编写Python代码非常重要,因为它们决定了你可以在变量中...