num = 1.569247print('%.2f' % num) # 输出1.57 使用Decimal模块 如果你需要更精确的小数运算,可以考虑使用Python的Decimal模块。Decimal模块提供了高精度的十进制浮点数运算,可以精确控制小数位数。示例代码:from decimal import Decimalnum = Decimal('3.14159')result = num.quantize(Decimal('0.00'))p...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在这个示例中,我们使用math.floor函数将3.1415926保留到小数点后两位,得到的结果为3.14。 类图 下面是一个简单的类图示例,用来表示一个名为FloatProcessor的类,该类封装了处理浮点数的方法: FloatProcessor- num: float+round_to_two_decimals() : float+format_to_two_decimals() : str+...
1.1设置小数位数 设置小数位数,主要使用DataFrame对象中的round函数,该函数可以实现四舍五入,而它的decimals参数则用于设置保留小数的位数,设置后的数据类型不会发生变化,依然是浮点型 DataFrame.round(decimals=0, *arg, **kwargs) 1. decimals:每一列四舍五入的小数位数,整型,字典或Series对象。如果是整数,则...
# It imports the Decimal class from the decimal module. import decimal from decimal import Decimal # It converts the float 10.245 to a Decimal object. decimal_ = Decimal.from_float(10.245) print('浮点数转为Decimal后:{0}'.format(decimal_)) # 浮点数转为Decimal后:10.2449999999999992184029906638897...
We can use these functions to create custom methods to round up and down a given float value to two decimal places. Example Code: importmathdefr_down(number,decimals=2):a=10**decimalsreturnmath.floor(number*a)/aprint(r_down(7.852))defr_up(number,decimals=2):a=10**decimalsreturnmath...
print() # Print the original value of 'x' with a label. print("Original Number: ", x) # Format the value of 'x' to two decimal places and include a sign (positive or negative) in the result. print("Formatted Number with sign: "+"{:+.2f}".format(x)) # Print the original ...
There are also some edge cases where you want to round to 2 decimal places, but the round() function will cut the second decimal point regardless due to its design. Let’s take this example: edge_case = (150/5) *1.12edge_case_rounded = round(edge_case,2)print(edge_case_rounded)Code...
'''字符串的对其操作'''# 居中对齐s = 'hello,python'print(, '*'))# 2.ljust 左对齐print(s.ljust(100, '*'))# 3.rjust 右对齐print(s.rjust(100, '*'))# 3.zfill 右对齐,左侧为0填充print(s.zfill(100)) ...
two decimal places: ${number:.2f}' print(fstring) # Currency format for number with two decimal places: $123456.79 # 带货币符号和千分位 number = 123456.78921 fstring = f'Currency format for number with two decimal places and comma seperators: ${number:,.2f}' print(fstring) # Currency ...
Here, I use two spaces for indentation to save space; most Python programmers use four spaces for indentation. Function my_print has four parameters: an array to display, the number of columns to display the values, the number of decimals for each value and a flag ind...