print(cube(3)) # 27 # Multiple variables multiple_variable = lambda a, b, c: a ** 2 - 3 * b + 4 * c print(multiple_variable(5, 5, 3)) # 22 另一个函数中的 Lambda 函数 在另一个函数中使用 lambda 函数。 def power(x): return lambda n : x ** n cube = power(2)(3) #...
# Print out some data points print('First 10 examples from the dataset: \n') print(' x = ',x[range(10),:],'\ny=',y[range(10),:]) First 10 examples from the dataset: x = [[2104 3] [1600 3] [2400 3] [1416 2] [3000 4] [1985 4] [1534 3] [1427 3] [1380 3] [...
#print(mu)#print(sigma)X_norm=(X-mu)/sigmareturnX_norm,mu,sigma #计算损失 defcomputeCost(X,y,theta):m=y.shape[0]#J=(np.sum((**2))/(2*m)*m)returnJ2#梯度下降 defgradientDescent(X,y,theta,alpha,num_iters):m=y.sha...
# Print out some data points print('First 10 examples from the dataset: \n') print(' x = ',x[range(10),:],'\ny=',y[range(10),:]) First 10 examples from the dataset: x = [[2104 3] [1600 3] [2400 3] [1416 2] [3000 4] [1985 4] [1534 3] [1427 3] [1380 3] [...
print(computeCost(X,initial_theta,y))# 打印测试的平均均方代价结果,正确的平均均方代价:32.07 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 32.07273387745567 1. #定义梯度下降函数:随着梯度下降的每一步,参数theta_j都会接近最优值(最小值),从而达到损失最低的J(θ) ...
Python allows you to assign values to multiple variables in one line:ExampleGet your own Python Server x, y, z = "Orange", "Banana", "Cherry"print(x)print(y)print(z) Try it Yourself » Note: Make sure the number of variables matches the number of values, or else you will get ...
多变量线性回归(Linear Regression with multiple variables) (1) 多维特征 & 多变量梯度下降 (2)多维梯度下降的例子:特征缩放(Feature Scaling) (3)学习率(Learning rate) (4)正规方程(Normal equation) (5)python代码实现 学习完了机器学习的多变量线性回归课程,现在来将所学记录下来。
When referring to multiple variables parenthesis is used. Example: str1 = 'World' str2 = ':' print("Python %s %s" %(str1,str2)) Output: Python World : Repeating Characters Use multiplication with strings to repeat characters: print('#' * 10) # Output: ### Other Examples...
Python’s for loops can have multiple loop variables. For example, say that you want to map each color with its index. In this case, you can do something like the following:Python >>> for index, color in enumerate(colors): ... print(index, color) ... 0 red 1 orange 2 yellow...
>>> print(y) 1 >>> print(z) 1 >>> Alternatively, you can assign multiple values to multiple variables in a single line. Syntax: , , ..., = <expr>, <expr>, ..., <expr> Example: x, y, z = 1, 2, "abcd" In the above example...