# Multiple value assignment x, y, z = 1, 2, 'hello' print 'Multiple value assignment: x = %s, y = %s, z = %s' % (x, y, z) (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 'hello') print 'Multiple value assignment (syntax 2): x = %s, y = %s, z = %s' % (x, y, z) 1. 2. 3. 4...
Everything You Need to Know About Game Designing With Pygame in Python Lesson -40 Python Bokeh: What Is Bokeh, Types of Graphs and Layout Lesson -41 Top 150+ Python Interview Questions You Must Know for 2025 Lesson -42 The Supreme Guide to Understand the Workings of CPython ...
A variable name must start with a letter A-z or the underscore _ character A variable name cannot start with a number 0-9 A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ ) Variable names are case-sensitive (firstname, Firstname, FirstName an...
point2.move(5,0)print(point2.calculate_distance(point1))assertpoint2.calculate_distance(point1) == point1.calculate_distance( point2 ) point1.move(3,4)print(point1.calculate_distance(point2))print(point1.calculate_distance(point1)) 结尾处的print语句给出了以下输出: 5.04.472135954999580.0 这...
lines""" 'A triple-quoted string\nthat spans across multiple\nlines' Even though you can use triple-quoted strings to create single-line string literals, the main use case of them would be to create multiline strings. In Python code, probably the most common use case for these string ...
# Here is a comment about this code: # 1someCode()# Here is a lengthier block comment that spans multiple lines using # 2# several single-line comments in a row.# # 3# These are known as block comments.ifsomeCondition:# Here is a comment about some other code: # 4someOtherCode(...
# Here is a lengthier block comment that spans multiple lines using # 2 # several single-line comments in a row. # # 3 # These are known as block comments. if someCondition: # Here is a comment about some other code: # 4
# that spans multiple lines. 注释和文档通常是编程过程中的事后想法,甚至被一些人认为弊大于利。但是正如 83 页的“误解:注释是不必要的”所解释的,如果你想写专业的、可读的代码,注释不是可选的。在这一节中,我们将编写一些有用的注释,在不影响程序可读性的情况下告知读者。
依据多个variables改变某一variable的值 将list变为string,用逗号","作分隔 将string变为list,以空格“ ”识别分隔 借用集合(set)剔除list中的重复项(duplicates) 获得两个list的并集 获得两个list的交集 获得后者相对于前者的补集 获得两个list的差集 将多行string变为一行,用空格“ ”分隔 将string中的多个空格...
print(“Welcome to the world of programming”) Java Syntax: class Simple{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Welcome to the world of programming"); } } So here we see that Python code consists of only one line, but for Java, there are multiple lines of code...