一、初阶必备:基础用法中的小心机1. 多参数智能拼接你是否还在用+号拼接字符串?print("Hello", "World", 18) # 自动用空格分隔 → Hello World 18💡 秘密武器:sep参数print("2023", "10", "01", sep="-") # 输出日期格式 → 2023-10-012. 消灭自动换行讨厌print()总是自作主张换行?pri...
print(string_1.split()) # ['My', 'name', 'is', 'Chaitanya', 'Baweja'] # defining separator as '/' print(string_2.split('/')) # ['sample', ' string 2'] 8.多个字符串组合为一个字符串 list_of_strings=['My','name','is','Chaitan...
'否','否','是','否'],'变量B':['好','好','好','差','差','差']}df=pd.DataFrame(data)# 创建列联表contingency_table=pd.crosstab(df['变量A'],df['变量B'])chi2,p,dof,expected=stats.chi2_contingency(contingency_table)print(f'卡方值:{chi2}, p值:{p}')...
2.但是在做上一步的时候,出现了一个问题,那就是没有区分局部变量和全局变量,问题发现的思路,先观察list输出的值,发现只有最后一个值,这时候就要考虑值是否被覆盖,找到问题,于是把list升级为全局变量 附引用代码: with open('go.obo','r',encoding="utf-8") as f: #打开文件 # dict = {} list = []...
print("Hello, World!") Run this code, and you’ll see the output: Hello, World! Very Good! You have successfully, written your first Python program. Now let’s move on to the next section of this tutorial: 2. Basics of Python In order to get started with Python, first you need to...
even_or_odd = lambda a: a%2==0 numbers = [1,2,3,4,5] even = list(map(even_or_odd,numbers)) print(even) # [False, True, False, True, False] 5. 装饰器 装饰器是 Python 的一个特性,它可以在不显式修改现有代码的情况下向现有代码添加一些新功能。
Just like when you usedsorted(), if you setreversetoTruewhen calling.sort()on a list, then the sorting will be in descending order. When you pass instr.loweras the value ofkey, you can sort strings independently of a character’s case: ...
print(*请在 0-*,range_high,*之间猜测一个数字:*)print(*还剩下*,remaining_guesses,*次猜测机会!*)room_list.clear()for i in range(range_high):room_list.append(False)def range25():global range_high,secret_number,remaining_guessessecret_number = random.randrange(25)range_high = 25for n ...
Table of Contents Python Lists Lists Are Ordered(有序) Lists Can Contain Arbitrary Objects(混杂) List Elements Can Be Accessed by Index(可索引) Lists Can Be
import Numpy as np #导入库 array=np.array([[1,2,3], [2,3,4]],dtype=np.int64)) #命名 #dtype数据类型 print(array.shape) #打印行数和列数 print(array.size) #打印矩阵数据个数 print(array.ndim) #打印矩阵空间维数 print(array.dtype) ...